Plus I love the irony that I was thirteen years old when I interned with Thirteen.

Last but certainly not least, I interned with Kamui Woods. He showed me the harsh reality of villains, not that I didn't already know from my own past. But he showed me how things like what happened to me and my family are still happening today. Kamui was still a newer hero but he was and still is so focused on helping the people that I think it might of rubbed off onto me a little bit. He also helped me learn how to "play well with others" as he put it. I learned how I couldn't always help because my quirk wasn't fit for the situation. And how that was okay. Mostly he helped me to accept help from other heroes, which at the time I didn't want to do because that showed I was weak but mostly I was afraid of hurting someone else with my quirks.

Man I just realized, I was a lot like Katsuki when I was in school. Like I wanted no friends and didn't want to get close to anyone. I was harsh and self reliant to a fault. I just wasn't as aggressive and violent as he is. Maybe that's why I get along with him much. I see my self in him a bit.

That is also kinda sad...

Maybe that also means he can change as well like I did. Maybe he could play well with others too one day...

Or maybe not....

The door opening with the beautiful hero Midnight walking in caught my attention and pulled me out from my thoughts. Her and Aizawa seemed to be talking to the class for a moment. I forgot that he told me that Midnight would be leading the class on picking their hero names. Once they were done talking Aizawa, who was finally bandage free, hid away in his yellow sleeping bag leaving Midnight to lead class.

She waved to catch my attention. I lowered my self down to meet her eye level and pulled my headphones off of my head. "Yes Midnight?"

"Mind leading a hand passing the white boards and markers out?" She sent me a kind smile as she gestured to the stack of white boards.

"Yeah, sure thing." I sent her a smile as I used my quirk. The boards sorted out, each one moving with a marker to each students desk. Once everyone had a board and marker I turned my attention to the older woman. "Anything else you need?"

"Maybe a word on how you came up with your hero name to help inspire the class." She tilted her head as she smiled at me. I nodded in understanding as I turned my attention to said class. Everyone was watching me as I cleared my throat.

"Okay honestly this might seem a bit silly or anti climatic because I wasn't very creative with my name." My hand came up to rub the back of my neck as I looked to the side. "Growing up my life and who I was had to be kept a mystery considering who my father is. Then when I went through school I never got close to anyone in my class or the school in general so no one really knew too much about me. So I ended up being known as the mystery of the Hero Class, like some legend or something like that. So I kinda played off of that and came up with Mysterium.

"I know it isn't the most creative but that's how I came up with my hero name." I shrugged my shoulders and smiled at the class. I received multiple smiles from the class in return. A few even clapped for me, mostly Kirishima and Kaminari though.

"Thank you for sharing with us, Hikari." Midnight stepped closer to me. Her voice dropped down to a whisper as she spoke so that only I could hear. "Also, All Might needed to see you Hikari. He said it was serious."

A frown tugged on my lips at what the older woman said. I hopped off of my little cushion and back onto solid ground. "You know where he is?" I asked as I put the cushion next to the sleeping Aizawa. Nezu didn't like me flying around the halls so I can't do it outside of the classroom. So sadly my little cushion would have to stay here for now.

Unknown HeroDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora