Chapter Thirteen~Mom and Dad

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Gracy POV <3

"Wow! I would have never guessed you guys had such an interesting life!"

"Haha," Mom sighed. She and my dad just told me their whole love story. I was genuinely surprised.

"Gracy, that was your beginning; how you came to be on this planet!" Dad said. He was waving his hands in the air. My stomach growled. Pizza sounded good right about now.

Mom laughed. "Are you hungry?"

I looked at my dad. "Pizza?" we both said. We all laughed. 

"I'll order two pepperoni and garlic twists. Sound good?" Mom asked. I nodded vigorously. 

"Gracy, can you go clear off the counter?" 

"Yep," I reply. I go throw away the soda cans and put the cups in the sink. My dad was washing plates and my mom already ordered the pizzas. 

The doorbell rang. I open it, but it's not the pizza guy. "Mom, Parker's here!" Dad came rushing in, greeting Parker. Shelby was still in the car. I had no idea that they'd been friends for around twelve years. Everything about my past was shocking, really.

"Shelby! We just ordered pizza. Are you guys staying?" I ask, pulling her through the door. Shelby and I were really close. We'd talk about teen girl stuff and she'd always donate her old clothes to me. She was my godmother. Parker and I were close, too, but he was a guy so...

"Of course! That's why we're here; your dad called," she responded.

My mom kind of glared at Dad. He shrugged. We all knew she wasn't mad. Parker and Dad continued to talk. Our pizza came just a few minutes after.

"Let's eat!" Parker yells. We all get a slice or two of the pizza and eat around the table. We had a miniature party that night with music and dancing. I and Shelby convinced my mom to do a fashion show with us. We had a blast that night. 

The End <3

Note From The Author: I hope you enjoyed my first story! Just a little, irrelevant side note, I wrote this chapter while eating pizza so that was kind of my inspiration. Sorry, it's a little short, but I got excited about the end. I probably should have built up more of the story, but this was kind of a test to see what people wanted to read and if they liked it. Thank you for taking time to read 'Gracy's Begining' and have a wonderful day!

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