Chapter Five~Bubbler Or Bust

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Graser's POV (still in hotel from chapter four)

My pills really do help a lot. I sleep great during the night. I do wake up to noise. The thunder woke me up. Stacy wasn't on the floor, anymore. I was a little worried but too tired to do anything. The pills had me groggy, still. 

As the effect of my medicine wore off, I noticed Stacy was gone. I also noticed the blinding moonlight shining through the window. I turned over, noticing Stacy at the edge of the bed. I took a risk. I put my arm around her. I might have smiled as little as she moved a little closer.

When I woke up, she was on the floor again, asleep.I begin to think it was a dream. I changed from my shorts to a pair of jeans. I keep my shirt. I avoid my phone for a while. 

"How long have you been awake?" Stacy rubs her eyes. Her chocolate brown hair is a mess. She looks like she didn't get sleep.

"Only around thirty minutes," I say after spitting toothpaste into the sink. I rinse off my toothbrush and pack it back up. 

"How are you holding up?" 

I hesitate, wanting to say the truth. Around Stacy, I don't have to wear that 'I'm Ok' mask. 

"I'm scared, to tell the truth," I admit

"We both are then. How are we going to do this," she asks, shuddering at the word 'this'

"What is this? What do you mean?"

"It's like your babysitting me! You ARE babysitting! I'm just sorry!" I come to comfort her, which might have been a mistake. She starts to tear up and I catch a glimpse of her arm. Tenmarks going vertically. I pull back, which I immediately regretted. 

"What?" she asks, using the arm with no marks to wipe a tear away.

"I, I saw your arm," I say.

"Like I said when we met, I'm just some idiot. You shouldn't have brought me along, I slow you down."

"No, you don't! You're the reason I'm breathing at a normal pace! You're the reason I'm only at thirteen!" I shout. I don't realize, but my fists are clenched. Stacy looks at me, scared. This time, it's not for me, but of me and maybe herself. 

"Thirteen what?" I turn my arms over, revealing thirteen small cut marks. Four of which are scars now, but nine more recent ones. Seven of those nine on my right arm and the scars and other cuts on my left.

"I think we should get back on the road," I say standing up and grabbing my bag. In silence, Stacy follows.

After About Another Hour Of Driving(still Graser's POV)

"No way! That can't be!" Stacy gasps.

"What?" I ask, glad our silence was broken after our 'argument' at the hotel.

"That, Graser, is Bubbler!" 

"Isn't that what they call drinking fountains up north?" 

"Yes, but that Bubbler is a soda store with hundreds of vintage sodas. We have to go!"

"I don't know, Stace." 

"I'll pay! Can we please," she begged. I sighed and turned into the parking lot of Bubbler.

"Thank you!" she screamed, hugging me tight the second we got out of the truck. I was confused as to why this tiny store full of soda meant so much to her. I didn't want to ask, hoping not to cause more tension between us. 

"What kind do you want?" Stacy asked, pulling out a white wallet with her name written on it in calligraphy.

"I'll look around," I replied, amazed at the vintage, colorful decor. 

"Ok. Take your time. We can stay as long as you need." 

I look around at all the weird flavors of soda. Key Lime, Bubble Gum, Coconut, Sour Lemon.  I grab a bottle of normal Rootbeer and take it to Stacy. 

"Really?" she asks, taking the bottle from my hand.


"You're given all these options and you chose Rootbeer."

"I like Rootbeer, I defend. Stacy puts the bottle in a carrier with some other flavors she's chosen.  

"I'll pick you out some interesting ones," she smiles. I look around for new flavors. The boy at the register looks young. He wore preppy clothes and glasses but had a lip piercing. He also had a tattoo of Utah on his wrist. Interesting

I walk up to the register. "I like your tattoo," I say.

"Thanks, man. I used to live there. My dad had a store there, too. It got shut down," he said. I was tempted to ask more about the shop until Stacy caught my attention. She was walking to the register with all the sodas in her hand.

"You ready," she asked, handing the boy a twenty dollar bill. He gave her the change back and we left. After we start to drive, I ask her about what was special about the store.

"Why do you love that store so much?" 

"Well, when I was in first grade, they opened and my dad took me there after school. He was into that vintage stuff. Anyway, it became a tradition until they closed when I was around fourteen. I have had this in years," she said, grabbing a bottle out of the bag. Raspberry Cream Soda.

"What did you pick out for me?"

"For you, I chose one similar to your personality. One that really screamed Zachary Graser to me," she giggled handing me a pink soda.  Strawberry Shortcake. 

"Why does this have anything to do with me?" I ask. 

"Read the tag on top," she giggled. 

I read it aloud, "For the person I care most about. Thanks for all you've done."

"I bought a custom tag, too."

"Thank you, Stacy."

"No problem. Thank you," she said, smiling.

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