Chapter Twelve~I'm On My Knees

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Graser POV(remember that jump;) Well this is it. Two Years Later)

Well, life's been relatively boring lately. Leave it to me, Zachary Graser, to make it more interesting. With both me and Stacy working now, we have enough money to splurge on good diners. I can't believe it's been two years.

"Do we need anything? I'm going to the store," Stacy askes. I leave the bedroom, which we've remodeled quite a bit too out likings.

"Um, are we good on pancake mix?" It's been a thing since we moved here. I've made pancakes every weekend since we came.

"We're good on pancake mix, Graser," Stacy laughed.

I had a plan. While she was at the store, I was going to look at rings.

I'd been practicing how to propose and reading article upon article. Granted I was still nervous, how could she say no to me!

"Alright. Be back in a few," Stacy said, closing the door behind her. I simply waved her bye.

Parker would be here in just a few minutes to pick me up. He was looking going to look at rings for Shelby, too. It was going to be a double proposal. It wasn't intentionally going to be, but we both had the same idea. Shelby and Parker had been together three years while as Stacy and I had only been together two.

I heard Parker's car horn beep outside. I grabbed my phone and left.

"Are you nervous?"

"Well, duh! Of course, I'm nervous," I reply. We turn into the parking lot of the mall. There was a jewelry store there. My heart was racing but in a good way. 

The woman greeted us at the front desk. We filled out this quiz like paper. There were questions about what ring our significant other would like. Personally, I thought it was kind of stupid, but I did it anyway.

The lady took up our 'surveys' and read them to herself. Occasionally she would say, "Mmhm," or just sigh. Other times she would peak up from the paper and look around the store. 

"Well, you sir," she said, pointing at me, "must have a very intelligent lady. I have a few good ideas for her." I just nod, hoping I'm not here for hours upon hours. She continues to read over Parker's survey. I don't really pay attention to what she has to say to him. I begin looking at the rings behind the glass cabinets. I find one I really like.

"Um, how much is this one?" I ask, pointing to a ring with a silver band and a diamond in the middle, surrounded by swirly silver designs. 

"Oh. That thing has been marked down. It's nine eighty-nine, now," she says in an entitled voice, "She wouldn't like that one," the lady went on. 

"Parker," I ask, ignoring the lady, who, in my opinion, was just trying to make us pay more money, "what'd you think?" He shrugs and nods at the same time. Very helpful, I think.

"I'd like this one, please." The lady has me pick out a bo to put the ring in. I chose a white, silky one with a lace trim. I pay her the money and go to the food court while Parker finishes. I order a lemonade. 

I throw a penny in the fountain and make a wish. "Please say yes. I'll make it worth it."

"You ready?" I ask as Parker walks this way with a tiny white bag like mine. 

On the car ride back to my place, we practice what we're going to say to Shelby and Stacy on each other. It was kind of to lighten the mood. 

"Oh no," Parker mumbles, checking his phone. 


"Shelby needs me to pick her up." That meant I was probably about to get a similar text from Stacy.

"Well, drop me off really fast. Say you went to get some food."

"Yeah, but I don't have any food!"

"Keep my lemonade!" We were kind of freaking out over nothing. I guess we were just nervous. 

Parker drops me off and I go pick up Stacy. I didn't know when I was going to ask her to marry me, but I'd find a good time. 

That Time Has Come ;)

"Graser, you know what Shelby was talking about?" she asked. 

"What?" I ask back nervously. She sounded suspicious. 

"She said Parker proposed yesterday! It was about time! It just reminded me of how unanticipated this relationship was. You never know what'll happen." She smiled at me.

"Yeah. In the beginning, we probably thought each other was crazy. Everything was so fast," I say.

"Really? You're not going to...ok," she said after a pause. 

"Going to what?"

"Nothing? I just thought you would mention something like getting some dinner."

"That's not it. "

"Whatever you say." We walked down the sidewalk back towards our apartment complex. We'd gone for a nice stroll. 

Stacy was fiddling with her keys. I knelt down. I acted like I dropped something when she glanced back at me. I quickly pulled the ring out of my pocket, which is where I've been hiding it. 

"Stacy," I said. She quickly turned to face me, "Will you marry me?" I managed to say. My heart was racing. She quickly covered her hands over her mouth in shock. She reached down and pulled me up just to hug me tight. 


We kissed. Stacy dropped her keys but didn't bother to pick them up. We were to locked in each other embrace. 

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