Chapter Seven~Uphill(short chapter)

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Stacy POV(Sorry it's so short. School has me busy lately)

I got a call from a fast food place down the road. I'm going to the interview around noon today. Graser still doesn't know. 

"I'll be gone a few hours. Call if you need me," I say to the half-asleep Graser. He woke up really early to make some scrambled eggs but has passed out on the small couch for a nap. 

"MmK," he mumbles. I decide to write a note on the fridge anyway explaining I wouldn't be here for a few hours.

I walk to the place in the best outfit I had which was a pair of jeans and a flowy, long-sleeved shirt with white and black stripes. I wore shoes for walking the way there and put on nicer ones before having my interview. I was obviously nervous. If I didn't get a job, Graser and I would be living in the truck again. 

"Ms. Hina...Hino..." I tell the lady the correct way to say my name and tell her to just call me Stacy.

"Well, Stacy, I've read over your application and you seem like a very nice person. Do you have experience with working in retail?"

"I worked at Wendy's a few years ago, during high school," I say as clearly as I could. I was shaking a little under the table. 

"That's wonderful! On that matter, we're happy to have you with us!"

I let out a sigh, not realizing she said that I got the job. It took a second to hit me. 

"Thank you so much! When do you need me to start?"

"Here's a large uniform and we'll see you Monday?"

"Of course! I'll see you Monday," I quickly look at her name tag", Ms. Rhea"

She laughed a little and handed me the uniform. I carried it out and started walking out the door. I really liked Rhea. She was a little older than me but had a young spirit. 

"Do you need a ride home?" 

"If it's not too much trouble," I say back. I remember when I met Graser and this past month and a half or so seemed like a lifetime.

"It's no trouble at all," she smiled. I followed her to her car and she drove me to my place. The ride was quiet. I told her bye and that I would be there Monday. When I got to our apartment room, Graser was wide awake, watching TV. 

"Welcome back, Stace!" 

"Hi Graser," I giggle. He had a blanket wrapped around him, holding it open for me to join. I roll my eyes a little and come sit next to him. 

"Where were you?" he asked

"Nothing important, really. Just getting a job," I say. It takes him a minute to realize I told him I got a job. 

"Oh ok. Wait, really?!"

"Yes! I start Monday."

"Oh my gosh! You caught me by surprise, Stacy. Don't do that!" I just laugh and hug him really tight. 

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