Chapter 14

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I Hope You Like Dogs

Harley pushes Charles' wheelchair through the garden in the backyard.

"So, you erased Moira's memories?" she asks.

"Yes. It's safer for her and us that way." he answers.

"So, how many students do you think you'll have here, once you get the academy up and running?" she questions.

"As many as I can manage. Possibly more." was his answer.

"Guess you're really a Professor after all." she jokes.

Charles chuckles, "Next thing you know, I'll be going bald.".

Harley laughs, leaning down she says with a smirk "Yeah, well I think you'd still look good.", she chuckles seeing the slightly flustered look on his face. "Got any Idea who the teachers are gonna be?" she asks, slowing down their already slow pace.

"Obviously me, then Hank, and..." Charles trails off.

"And?", a smile grows on her face, she has a feel she knows where this is going.

"Well. I was wondering what you'd be doing now, that this is all over." Charles questions, looking over his shoulder at her.

Harley stops pushing his chair, looking up into the sky she sighs. "I wasn't really sure, if I'm being honest. My world is so much bigger then a small tattoo shop in Canada now.", she looks back to him, "But I came to a conclusion, after talking to my dad last night." she finishes with a smile.

"And what's that?" Charles asks.

Harley lets go of the handles to his chair, "It depends on if you ask or not." she says with a smile, coming around to stand in front of him.

Charles huffs a laugh, "Well. We do need a P.E teacher." he says with a smirk.

Harley rolls her eyes, "Charles." she groans, though there's a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry." he says, smiling, taking her hands in his, "Harley, will you stay?" he asks.

Harley's smile grows, "I hope you like dogs Charles, 'cause there's no way I'm living with out Bain." she says, laughing.

Charles laughs along with her, "Of coarse not.".

Harley smiles and leans down, kissing him.

"I look forward to teaching with you, Charles." she whispers.

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