Chapter 8

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You Don't Have To Hide

Yawning Harley walks out into the backyard in her workout cloths. Seeing Hank walking away from Alex and Charles. Walking up next to them.

"What's wrong with Hank?" Harley asks, then looks at Alex's smug face, "Never mind I already know. Alright get lost Summers, it's my time with the professor." Harley says jokingly, moving her hand in a shooing motion.

Chuckling Alex leaves.

"I hate being called that." Charles tells her.

"Really, I kinda like it." Harley says with a smirk, making Charles blush a bit, not that she saw.

"So." Harley says, turning around to look at him, hands on her hips; "What am I training on?" she asks.

"Right, follow me." Charles says, walking over to the front yard.

"You're going to lift this." he says, gesturing to a car.

"I already showed you I could." Harley says, not looking impressed.

"You lifted the front of a car, now you're going to lift the whole car." Charles says, smiling, saying it as if it's the easiest thing in the world.

"I've never been able to do that." Harley says, putting her hands in the pockets of her hoodie.

"Have you ever tried?"

"Well, no." Harley says, "I'm not supposed to let people see what I can do, and there's not really somewhere I can lift an entire car without someone seeing." she finishes, in a sheepish tone, lowering her head.

"Out there you're not, but here, with us." Charles says, taking her hand, she turns to look him in the eyes, seeing a endearing look, "You don't have to hide.".

Rather then answering, Harley walks over to the car, standing at the front of it. Crouching down, she places her hands underneath it, taking it with her as she stands up. It's now on its back tires, waist height with her, she breaths out once, then starts to raise it further.

Grunting, Harley slowly lifts the front of the car above her head, though her arms are shaking a bit. Feeling her arms about to give out she moves out from underneath the car and drops it, it coming down with a crash.

Breathing heavily with her hands on her knees, Harley looks up at Charles and says "I can't do it Charles.", standing up straight she continues "Even if I can't feel pain, I know my body can't do it.".

"I think you're still holding back." Charles says, crossing his arms.

Feeling like he's challenging her, she cocks her head and unzips her hoodie, slides it off and throws it to Charles, who catches it.

"Alright." She says, going and lifting the front of the car back above her head.

Taking a deep breath, she works her way underneath the car bending her knees as she goes, sliding her hands towards the middle of the car. She starts to stand up, pushing the car off the ground as she goes, it now rests on her forearms, so with one more grunt, she lifts it above her head.

In shock of what she's doing, she laughs and looks at Charles, making him laugh along with her.

She goes to set it down, but her foot slips a bit, causing the car to slip out of her grasp and fall to the ground, landing upside down.

Harley winces, "That wasn't important was it?" she asks sheepishly.

Charles only laughs harder, "Not at all.".

"Thank god." Harley says, hand resting over her heart.

When she moves her hand Charles can see blood over the tattoo on her chest.

"You're bleeding." he says, rushing over to her and grabbing her hands. Looking at them their all cut up.

"Must have cut 'em up when I moved my hands." Harley says, as if it is no big deal, even though her hands are covered in blood.

"And you really don't feel a thing?" Charles asks, still looking at her hands, that are still in his.

"Not a thing.".

Charles looks up at her, just now realizing how close they are, they just stare at each other. Charles glances at her lips quickly, Harley sees this and moves back, taking her hands out of his grasp.

"Don't worry, they'll heal up fast." Harley says, grabbing her hoodie from off the floor, where it had dropped when Charles rushed over to her, not caring that she's getting blood on it.

"Right, it's time for me to train with Alex anyway." Charles says nervously, watching her.

"Be patient with that one, he's quite the brooding type." Harley says, putting her bloody hoodie back on.

"You seem to have bonded with him and Sean a lot." Charles says.

"They remind me of some people I know." Harley says, smiling at the thought of her two uncles, "I'll see you later Charles." she says, heading to the front door.

"Be sure to take care of those cuts!" Charles yells to her before she closes the door.

Once she closes the front door, she leans against it, sighing.

"Oh my god, is that blood?!" Raven yells from the top of the stairs, running down over to Harley.

"Don't worry, just a few cuts." Harley tries to brush it off and walk away, but Raven grabs her hands and looks at them, gasping at the blood.

"It's fine really, they'll heal." Harley says, really tired and just wanting to go to bed, lifting that car must have taken more out of her then she thought.

"You said so yourself, you still have to take care of wounds." Raven says, dragging her to the nearest first aid kit.

"I meant fatal ones but okay." Harley whispered under her breath. 

Now in the kitchen, Raven is cleaning Harley's cuts.

"So, how'd this happen?" Raven asks, looking down at her friend.

"I was training with Charles." Harley says, when Raven got a look on her face. "What's with that look." Harley asks, with a suspicious tone.

"Oh, nothing." Raven says, smirking, "And how did that go?".

"I lifted a car." Harley says, proud of herself.

"Cool... anything else?" Raven says.

"What do you mean anything else?" Harley says, squinting her eyes at the blonde.

Raven's quiet for a moment, "You and Charles?" She blurts out.

"What do you mean me and Charles?" Harley says, very suspicious of her friend now, 'What's she implying?' Harley thinks to herself.

"Oh come on." Raven groans out.

"What?!" Harley says.

"You guys are totally into each other!" Raven says.

"What?! We're not!" Harley exclaims.

All Raven does is stare at her friend.

Harley sighs, closing her eyes and lowering her head, "You really think he is?".

"I mean all he does it stare at you." Raven says, smiling.

It's quiet for a moment, Raven dry's off Harley's hands, which are almost healed now.

"You really do heal fast." Raven says, cleaning up and putting everything back into the first aid kit.

"Yeah, well they were tiny." Harley says, then yawns.

"Why don't you take a nap, I'll wake you up for dinner." Raven says.

"Thanks Raven." Harley smiles at her friend, and heads to her bedroom.

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