Chapter 1 The man with the red eyes

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I felt very unsafe with out Molly around. It was strange to have her not at school today, but oh well I better get home before grandma gets on me I thought. While walking I kept on hearing strange noises coming from the alleyways. Ever since the meteor shower everything has been different. For example; people have spotted seeing dog shaped humans or people having some kind of inhuman ability. Then, that got me thinking, what happens if all of it was real and that it could be a spark of a new era.

I got yanked out of my thoughts when I felt some kind of chill that ran down my spine. When I turned around I saw these red eyes facing me. They gave me that gut feeling that I should run but I couldn't. The color of them were like a soothing red wine, but with a mix of death lingering in them. I kept trying to block them out, but they kept bringing me back. I knew they were getting closer, but I was just frozen in place.

I didn't even feel like I was in control of my body. When I tired to push back on the invisible force it just made it more difficult to think and use my senses. I felt helpless, I just wanted to go to the farthest part of my mind and stay there. But I new that I couldn't I had to fit for what was mine no matter the consequences were. So I gradually all of the strength I had left and pushed back. I started being able to feel the ground that I was now laying ground and I could feel this coldness imitating from that man.

When I finally got a sense of my soundings, I felt this spark of hope ignite in me. That spark soon turned into a raging wild fire and spread through me urging me to push harder. So we that's exactly what I did, I pushed, and I pushed tell I could feel my sight to seep back in. The blackness that washed over me was now washed away and I could see. And oh I wish I didn't.

The man with the red eyes was walking towards me. I tired yelling for help, but I couldn't speak. The words were trapped in my throat not wanting to come. I tired and I tired but it was no use. The man was now in seeing distance, and from what I could make out he and a well built body that looked like it was ready for a war. His face was crooked at the jaw, like it got punched out of socket. But what caught my attention the most was the blood dripping from his clothes. When I saw that blood I looked all down my body tell I landed on my leg.

I felt this dizzy feeling wash over me like it was always there, and that I was just blocking it out. It felt weird not being able to move my leg. It felt like I was missing this big part of myself, and that I was weak. I was only able to just stare at it like a emotionless person would. I finally got back to my senses when that demon finally spoke. His voice sounded like it was nail scratching on a chalk board. "Justin Hollowthorn-"

"Wait did you just say my name. You have got to be kidding. This is some joke right. Why would you know my name. I don't even know you. Are you like some type of stalker!!" I yelled in fright trying so hard to hold in my tears.

"Why are you about to cry. I'm not going to hurt you." The way he said it was like he was like he didn't just tear off my leg.

"What do you mean your not going to hurt me. You ripped of my leg," I cried out.

"Well I'm sorry about that. You should of just came with me without a fight."

"W-Why wo-ould I-I. I-m n-oot g-owing." I stuttered out

"Oh yes you are." He says darkly.

And before I knew it he was right in front of me with his hands out stretched towards my face. I tired to scoot away from him tell my back was against the wall. One of his hands reached for the top of my head and the other for the bottom of my neck. Then I heard a snap and I was in blackness.

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