I admonished her one more time

Then my phone rings, I get it from the bag, sitting in the couch.

Destiny's POV:

"Hi Dad, Good morning!" I heard Kate say as I take a bite from the bacon.

"Yeah, Destiny and I are currently eating breakfast." she looks at me with full of love.

"Wait, what? Oh my God. No." there was silence, temporarily.

Then my phone rang too

"Hello Brian, Good morning. What's up man?"

"Another murder victim bro." Brian answered

"Who is it?" I asked him

"Kate's high school classmate, Robert Talavera."

"What? What happened to him?"

"Another victim of the cheating heart killer."

"Alright Bro, send me his files."

"Will do."

Brian and I ended the call.

I looked at Kate who is now seated in the couch, crying uncontrollably. I approached her.

"Baby, why are you crying?" I asked her, I didn't know how to break the news to her, I put my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me.

"Robert..." she said

"What happened."

"He-He.. W-as... M-murdered." she stammered as she tries to control her breathing.

I rub her back, half relieved that I didn't have to break it to her, half worried now because, I know she is affected, before Robert was ever a suitor, he was her childhood friend, so I get why she is crying.

"I know."

"How did you know?"

"Brian, works for NBI, he is the lead investigator in this case."

"Do you guys have any idea who did it?"

"We don't have any leads yet."

I carried her from the couch to the bathroom, as she kept on crying, I sat her in the tub, I filled the tub with warm water, before I stripped her off from the shirt, after, I proceeded to strip my shirt off and got in the tub with her. I pulled her closer to my body.

"Hush now, Brian will solve the case and we will find Robert's killer."

I said as I washed her body with soap, gently scrubbing her whole body, I shampooed her hair. Massaging her hair and scalp, to help her calm down. After washing her hair, I kissed the top of her head.

"Thank you, Babe." she smiled at me, as she faces me, to scrub my body. She did the same gentle scrubbing that I did. She also shampooed my hair. After we washed, I got up from the tub, I put on her robe, drying her body and I also did mine. I carried her to our bed. I sat her down. She looked at me with her grateful teary eyes.

I was about to go to our closet when she stopped me. "I'm sorry I'm an emotional mess, I would like to thank you for understanding me and not making a big fuss out of it."

She smiled at me, she was waiting for me to answer her.

"You're welcome, Mrs. Kate Howell - Valerio, remember the promise I made last night? That I will make it up to you for the rest of my life?"

"Yes." she answered

"So, stop saying thank you."

I chuckled at her

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