32: Who sees the Mama dearest?

Start from the beginning

And he was still not here.

"Let me call him then." I muttered, taking my phone out of my pocket. I dialled his number and waited for him to pick up when I heard the phone ringing.

I tapped my foot waiting for him to pick up- a habit I got from dad.

Kyle picked up the call after the fourth ring. "Hey babe."

"Hey, where are you?" I asked wanting to know if he'd be joining us anytime soon.

"I am on my way. Give me a few minutes."

"Okay. We are waiting. Bye." I ended the call after he said his goodbye.

I turned towards my four friends, and said, "He's on his way. He'll be here soon."

I looked down at my phone when it started ringing. My phone screen flashed to show the picture of my mother's smiling face and 'Mum' written over it.

I picked her call with a smile. "Hello mother dearest." I greeted her happily.

"Someone seems to be in a good mood." I heard her amused voice.

"I am always in a good mood." I grumbled making her chuckle.

She hummed in reply sounding uncertain. I rolled my eyes at her condescending attitude. "Okay not always but I only get into a bad mood because of you... and dad." I added the last two words in a bored tone knowing the call was on speaker and dad was somewhere near her listening in.

"I am innocent babygirl." And my doubts were proved to be true when I heard my dad's voice. I scoffed at him and his words.

"And how do we put you in a bad mood?" I heard my mum's voice, she still sounded amused.

"When you start taking about Jim." I grunted annoyed at the thought of Jim following me around. I love Jim, he was always there with me and protected me when the need for it aroused but I had enough of protection.

"But we only want you to safe. I still think Jim should be-"

"I will hang up if we're going to have this discussion again." I warned her earning a defeated huff from her.

"You're so stubborn." Mum complained.

"And why is dad not at work?" I asked diverting from the topic of Jim.

"I got a meeting in an hour. I am going to head out now." I heard dad's voice and I knew what was going to happen next so I stopped them before they would start kissing with me still on call. "Don't start making out when I am still in call."

I heard my parents laugh. "Okay, we won't." It was Dad. He said his goodbye before heading out for his meeting leaving me in call with mum.

"How is everything in college?" Mum questioned, her tone low and filled with concern.

"Everything is fine, Mama." I said and gave an apologetic smile to my friends who were listening onto my conversation with my parents.

"Are you in your dorm? It's Saturday, you should hang out with friends." I heard her disapproving tone making me roll my eyes at her words.

"I am with my friends, Mama."

"Oh, did i disturbed you?" Her tone apologetic yet there was a underlying tone of excitement.

"Not really."

I expected her next words. "Go to facetime. I want to see you new friends." She said excitedly.

She always was like this- excited to meet and know about my friends, who I hang out with, who I like and all that. She treats Lily and Dalia like her own daughter and not her daughter's friends and they were pretty close too, like bffs.

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