Chapter Nineteen

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"You guys go on ahead," Kagami announced to the group, his hand on mine as he spoke. "Kuroko and I are heading somewhere else."

"Alright, sure," Hyuga senpai smirked. "But don't break any bones tonight, Kagami. We really need you two for the game tomorrow."

The red-head only laughed as we separated our ways from the team. Our hands remained intertwined even after we've separated from them. I blushed a little, thinking this was probably the first time he's held my hand in public. Most of the schools were still around, and I noticed a few players giving me weird looks. I felt insecure all of a sudden, so I removed my hand from Kagami's.

He gave me a questioning look, but remained silent until we left the building. He seemed to understand what I was indicating, so he distanced himself from me a little.

"I'm sorry, Kuroko," Kagami apologised. "I didn't mean to make you feel awkward."

I shook my head. "It's fine, Kagami-kun."

I wanted to hold his hand again, but receiving those kinds of look held me back. Now I realised, back then when Aomine and I were together, we never held hands in public. Doing this suddenly made me feel stupid. We were both boys. It was obvious that people will look at us weirdly.

"Let's use this way, shall we?" I suggested a longer route, and only because no one used that way. Maybe this time we could hold hands without getting interrupted by glaring eyes and judgemental whispers.

Kagami agreed to my suggestion, and when no one was around, I intertwined our hands again, surprising him in return.

"Kuroko," He smiled. "If you mind, it's okay if we don't do this in public."

I looked at him sadly, and even though he seemed fine with it, I could see the little sadness in his eyes. There was a bit of annoyance in it too. Maybe he was just as annoyed as I was because of the people.

"I'm sorry, Kagami-kun," I held his hand tighter. "I want to do this, but it seems like people are more closed-minded than I thought. It's good that our teammates are fine with this."

"No, I'm sorry," He shook his head. "You've changed me. I'm new to this, Kuroko. I've never dated anyone before, let alone a guy. But don't worry, I'm not saying I'm regretting it. I love you, you know that, right?"

A sting in my chest made me realised someone had said the exact same words before. I mentally shook my head. Kagami wouldn't hurt me the way Aomine did, and I knew he meant his every word.

"I love you too, Kagami-kun." I blushed at my own words, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

He cleared his throat awkwardly, red cheeks glowing a little. "Right, we're being too cheesy. It's too much for someone like me." I only laughed as we swung our hands back and forth. Seeing Kagami blush in embarrassment was cute. I really wanted to see this side of him more often.

After a long walk and more cheesy conversations, I was back in my room with my eyes staring into the ceiling. Empty thoughts filled my head, and I sighed. Things were going well so far, and I couldn't help but to think everything was too good to be true.

I turned my head to the study table and observed the unopened envelope. I've tried reading it, but somehow I couldn't after starting the first few words. I was afraid of knowing the truth. I was afraid of knowing what Aomine was thinking all along, afraid of thinking maybe I was the only one making the effort.

My phone buzzed next to me, and speaking of the devil, someone sent me a text. I was a little surprise, but I felt nothing. It didn't hurt anymore.

From: Aomine
I don't know if this is a good time, but I really hope you understand how I felt. Read the letter, if you haven't. I'll be waiting for you at the finals. Don't disappoint me, Tetsu.

I sighed again and dropped my phone to my side. Something told me to listen to him and read the letter, but being the stubborn person I was, I decided to ignore the feeling. I knew I wasn't ready to read it yet, but then when will I ever be ready?

I decided to fight myself and take the envelope, holding it carefully as if it was something precious. I took a deep breath before finally taking out the content. My heartbeat was fast, and I said a silent prayer before reading it.

Dear Tetsu,

I know this is surprising, considering you don't want to see or hear from me anymore ever since what happened between us. But I just want to take some time to explain why I did what I did, and how I really felt about you.

I've always loved you, you know that, and I'll always have this big regret in my heart for not cherishing you well enough. Enough to let you stay. I'm sorry, I really am.

My parents got to know about us dating the other day, and you could probably imagine what happened then. You know I'm a hot-headed person, so I didn't hold back. I argued and fought with them, all because I was defending you. I didn't like fighting with my parents, but I couldn't let them hurt you like that.

Knowing my parents, they probably will never accept who I am, and worst, they might do something bad to you. I'd figured it was for the best, to break it off, but now I see it only made it worst. I missed you so much. Kise and I would talk about you sometimes, and I'll end up getting emotional. It's funny, really.

I really wish you can give me a second chance, but I'm not forcing you to. It's all up to you, Tetsu. If you want to come back to me, know that my arms are always open for you.

Remember, Tetsu, love is love. You're free to love whoever you want. I've learnt from my mistake, and I don't want you to do the same. If you love someone, despite the person being the same gender, go ahead, and be happy.

I love you,
Aomine Daiki.

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