Chapter Five

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"I'm home." I announced, taking of my shoes before entering the living room.

As usual, Aomine was staring at the television with a canned drink on his left hand. His hair was messier today, and judging from his clothes I could tell he didn't take a bath yet.

"You're too close, Aominecchi." I simply pointed out, which he replied with a lazy grunt. I sighed, then without thinking, I added, "Guess who I bump into today?"

"I don't really care." He answered coldly.

"Kurokocchi." I hummed, hoping it'll catch his attention for once. Aomine was silent for a moment, his body tensed at the mention of his ex-boyfriend. I smiled sadly before sitting myself on the sofa, quietly waiting for a respond.

"... How's he doing?"

I was debating with myself whether or not to tell him the truth. If I were to lie, he'd probably think Kuroko wasn't serious about their relationship, but if I were to tell him the truth, I knew it'll only crush him more. After all, the break-up was for a good reason. It wasn't time for Kuroko to know yet.

"I can't say anything," I answered softly. "He's, well, he's clearly upset," I decided to go for the latter, because that's the truth. Aomine deserved the truth. "You broke him, Aominecchi."

"Well, you know damn well why," He snarled. "Don't you think by doing so, it'll crush me too? I love Kuroko, you bastard!"

"Then why didn't you find a way to stay together?" I argued back. "If you knew it'll crush the two of you, why didn't you find a way, Aominecchi? Do you know how painful it is to see Kurokocchi break down in front of you? Do you?"

Aomine stayed silent, and by judging the look on his face, I knew I'd pushed a button. He was angry. Not at me, but at himself. He knew I was right, he must know.

"I had no choice, Kise," He finally murmured. "If I could do something to keep him, I would, but there isn't anything I could do at that time."

"Then why don't you try getting him back now?" I suggested, even though the idea sounded dumb. "I saw him with another guy earlier. Be careful, though, he might be your rival someday." He froze.

I smirked, knowing I've already won. If Aomine was serious, there's no doubt that he'll win Kuroko over again. Not even the red-headed guy could change it.

"I can't meet him, though." He sighed.

"You can," I winked, then took out my phone. "But without Kurokocchi knowing."

"What do you mean?"

I rolled my eyes. "It means I'll ask him to come hang out, and you'll coincidentally appear near him."

He frowned. "That's lying."

"Oh?" I chuckled. "You're saying that? Are you sure?"

Aomine only cursed at me before watching his show again.


Author's Note

It's short, but oh well.
Kise's only a side character anyway
(Only for this story) :)

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