"What? Why are you guys looking at me?" She questioned and then her eyes widened.

"NO!" She almost shouted.

"Yes. Pleaseeeee!" Nabeeha pleaded and soon the girls, including her best friends started pleading to her.

Anabiya being the person she was, couldn't stand almost fifteen-seventeen girls including the girls to be engaged pleading to her and thus she gave in agreed to do the deed.

"Okay so Samad will accompany you and will protect you, in case of any emergency." Nabeeha said and Anabiya looked at her face to find any trace of humour but well, she found none and in fact Nabeeha looked serious.

Anabiya then glanced down towards the seven year old Samad. Her 'bodyguard' and her protector.

"So you're ready?" Everyone asked her and she nodded.

"Ready for the mission, captain!" Anabiya gave a fake salute.

"Mission?" The girls heard a voice and all had a shocked expression on their faces.

"Mom!" Nabeeha looked at the lady who was none other than Hafsa.

"Assalamualaikum!" Everyone greeted so did Anabiya and Hafsa replied.

Hafsa introduced some ladies to her daughter and soon to be daughter in law and as soon as she left, Nabeeha came towards Anabiya.

"The food is here. Take Samad will you." Nabeeha whispered into Anabiya's ear and Anabiya nodded.

Samad walked ahead of Anabiya and she laughed as they went towards the gate.

"Samad?" She called out and Samad looked at her.

"Why are you running ahead of me?" She asked.

Samad stopped and looked at her.

"I'm not running ahead. I'm protecting you. I'm your bodyguard!" He said as he tried to flex his non-existent muscles and Anabiya tried to hold her laughter.

This seven year old has Anabiya's heart already.

"Samad.... you're so cute. And handsome too. And yes, smart too." Anabiya praised him, talking like a child and he grinned at her.

"So, you're my girlfriend?" He said, with twinkling eyes and Anabiya grinned at him and nodded.

Samad did a happy dance and then pointed near the main gate.

"See, the delivery man is here. I'll get the parcel!" Samad almost yelled and then ran towards the main gate and Anabiya followed.

There were almost twelve packets. And thus, Anabiya knew it was gonna be difficult to hide and sneak the stuff inside.

"Okay, Samad, hold on. Lemme just hide them....." Anabiya said as she put the packets down near a bench and adjusted her dupatta so that she could use it's length to hide the packets.

And then a hand came infront of her and grabbed 4 packets, altogether.

Anabiya looked up and her eyes widened in shock.

"Arhaan Sir?" She spoke and Samad huffed.

"Arhaan bhaiyya, that's our fries and nuggets. Give it back!" Samad cried and Arhaan raised his eyebrow.

"Oh so my crazy sister actually ordered them. But guess what? I'm not giving this back." Arhaan smirked and Anabiya glared at him.

"Listen Sir, you guys weren't ready to bring in the food, so sorry but no, we can't share." Anabiya said as she narrowed her eyes.

Arhaan pulled his hand out which was holding the food packets and just when Anabiya was about to grab it, he pulled it back and Anabiya lost her balance and tripped.

"Careful!" Arhaan mumbled as he held Anabiya and their eyes met. The faces just few inches apart, the light wind brushing against their faces and the emotions in their eyes was creating a very different yet amazing feeling inside both of them.

"ARHAAN BHAI GIVE US THE FRIES BACK!" Samad shouted and Anabiya and Arhaan almost jumped out of their trance.

"Sorry." Anabiya quickly said as she pulled back and Arhaan left her too. But then Anabiya didn't move back and Arhaan looked down at her.

The bracelet was stuck in the blazer's button.

Woah, Bollywood.

''Uh.... It's.... It's stuck..." Anabiya said as she looked at Arhaan and then shifted her gaze towards her wrist.

She then tried to untangle the metal from the button but that didn't help.

"Uhm wait. Lemme do this." Arhaan said and then put the packets down and started to work on the tangled bracelet and the button.

The close proximity between them was awkward and they knew being so close to each other, almost breathing the same air was wrong, but what can they do? But it felt nice to them.... too nice.

Their fingers brushed in the process, yet both tried to look calm and normal.

Anabiya then looked at Samad, gesturing him towards the packets.

"Hope you get it. Hope you understand babyyyyy." Anabiya silently prayed and did a happy dance in her mind when Samad quietly collected all the packets.

And as soon as he picked the last packet, Arhaan removed the bracelet too.

"Here, it's all-" Arhaan started but was cut off as Anabiya lightly pushed him and ran towards the entrance.

"Don't stop Samad! Run!" She instructed Samad as she ran behind him.

Anabiya stopped midway.

"Sorry Arhaan Sir. But food comes first. Especially when its fries and nuggets!" She said and though she had her back facing him, he knew she was smiling.

Arhaan didn't reply but just stood there, smiling like an idiot.

"You're something different Anabiya..." Arhaan whispered and then walked off.


Meant To Be #wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now