Burned (a Roy x Ed fanfiction)

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Edward Elric stood on the corner looking off into the distance of the dimly lit street.
damn, where was that moron?! Ed had been standing there for almost forty minutes now, Alphonse has said he would have a car ready to pick him up and bring him back to there house by 11:35 PM. The street was cold, silent, and more importantly lacking his ride home.

A shiver ran up his spine, it was so cold out! The blond alchemist was more than a little angry at this point, not only was his ride very late but also, he wasn't being picked up by Al, he'd known that from the start. While talking to him earlier that day over the phone he had told ed he was unable to personally pick him up but would send someone else, someone already on there way out there. The only thing that had puzzled ed was who the hell would be out at this time of night in this end town by choice?! He sighed, leaning up against the light pole behind him. The wind picked up for a moment sending a gush of icy air up his spine, he shuddered and crossed his arms tightly over his chest in attempt to keep himself as warm as possible.

Sleep sunk in quickly and the alchemist realized, he was exhausted. His heavy eyes fought off sleep as best as possible, despite the darkness around him. He had, had a terrible day, first Mustang had yelled at ed about turning in late reports, he then sent him out to help find one of the missing lieutenants who had disappeared about a week ago on there way to investigate a mysterious death right outside of Amestris. Ed had somehow managed to be left behind in between two of the bus stops and was now at the edge of town. Still. He had used a pay phone to contact Alphonse but he soon ran out if money and had no way to contact anyone after that last damn dime.
So here he was, waiting.

There was then a slight roar of an engine up ahead, ed snapped his head up looking down the dark street in search of the source of the noise. His ride? As much as he wanted it to be his ride home he felt it was unsafe to get his hopes too high. He straightened up and stepped away from the light pole, stepping further out towards the street the sound grew closer and louder. It better be MY ride, and not some creeper. He thought to himself.
Finally a nice, clean, black car pulled up directly in front of ed, who took a step or two back in shock. The window to the rather expensive looking car rolled down slowly, revealing a all to familiar face.

"Fullmetal?" Said Mustang as he poked his left arm and head out of the window. Ed groaned, what'd he do to deserve this? Why did it have to be HIM, the very man he hated and detested, here to take him home?!

"...M-mustang..." He said clearly annoyed, and ever so slightly disappointed. He crossed his arms again in protest.

"What, you got a problem? Keep in mind fullmetal, I came all the way out here for you." His voice sounded to be slightly threatening despite the fact his tone was completely calm on his exterior.

"Yeah, yeah. But, why you?! What did they run out of people?!" Ed ranted. Mustang raised an eyebrow in question at the alchemists behavior before speaking again, "wow. You really are like a child. I could easily leave you here ya know, besides unfortunately it WAS on my way shorty, I was picking up some liquor." Ed's face reddened, now that could have been from the cold, anger, or perhaps a slight blush, but either way his face was fire red.

Roy chucked to himself before clearing his throat. "Right, let's go then, don't want to keep your brother waiting."
Edward sighed realizing his lack of choice in this matter. Reluctantly ed pulled on the door handle to the back seat and pulled open the door, he was determined to separate himself from Mustang as much as humanly possible considering his situation. He looked down at the seat, it was completely packed with bags, brown bags...? The liquor store. ed thought to himself. The bastard had bought at lest thirty bottles.

He groaned again, this time louder. "...mustang, you left your ummm.... Stuff-back here..." He managed, eyes still fixed on the bottles. He could hear the flame alchemist sigh as he leaned back around the gap between the front and back of the car. "I told you. I stopped to get liquor." He said flatly. "Then where am I supposed to sit?!" The cold was getting to him now, he didn't have patience for Roy in a good day let alone a bad one. "Easy, you sit up here," he gestured up to the passenger seat next to himself. "With me. C'mon, your letting in the cold." His voice was calm as usual but still, he seemed a bit... Off?

Ed climbed into the passenger seat, avoiding eye contact with his superior seated next to him. Not at all to Ed's surprise the car was warm, not even just that it was hot! Ed buckled up his seatbelt only looking at mustang a second to see why he hadn't driven off yet. Ed suppressed a muffled sound of confusion as he realized Roy was staring at him, really staring at him. The flame alchemists eyes scanned Edwards body up and down, and judging by the look on his face was oblivious to the fact Ed could see him. Okay, now he was getting creeped out. He cleared his throat, causing Roy to snap his head up quickly from studying Ed's hip. "Hm, ready then?" Asked Mustang as casually as possible despite the fact he seemed embarrassed.
_________20 min later_________

The car slowed, it slowly came to a stop outside a house. But not Ed and Al's house, not even close. Mustang looked over at the golden haired alchemist, he was slouched over in the seat and was fast asleep. His breathing light and pleasant to listen to. Damn, why'd he have to be so sexy? Roy looked away, he removed his keys from the car and opened his door, stepping out into the cold, even Roy admitted a shiver.

He opened Ed's side of the car door, careful not to wake him he slid the alchemist into his warm arms, holding him against his chest he shut the door. He walked up the stairs to his house and pushed open the purposefully unlocked door. " damn, you sleep good shorty" he said. He then lay him out on his bed, and exited the room. He entered his bathroom, the lights had been left on all day and his bath towel thrown over the toilet. Yes, this was his house. He never had time to clean it, he'd get home so late it'd be a miracle if he even bothered to make himself dinner. He looked at himself in the mirror, his hair was slightly messy and his clothes had grown creased but his eyes still showed great alertness and strength. He washed his face, and brushed his teeth rather quickly, he then unbuttoned his shirt, one button after another. His shirt fell loose after the last button was undone, it fell to the floor gently, he then reached down to his pants, he undid the belt buckle and unbuttoned the button, he then undid the fly and pushed his black pants to the floor. Damn, what was he thinking? What was he gonna do, why had dent he brought the little runt home when he had the chance? But he knew why, he didn't just want to not have to go a bit further into town to drop him off, he hadn't been on his way out "there" in the first place, he didn't really need any liquor. What the hell, what was he thinking?! He stepped out of the bathroom leaving the light on again. "Liquor huh?" He mumbled to himself, that idea didn't sound half bad now. He reached for an open bottle on the table next to the bed In which Edward was peacefully sleeping on. He took a swig, cheap. The taste was horrible, it was a very cheap bottle but still, if he could get drunk he wouldn't need an excuse for why he'd brought Fullmetal to his house! Like that's gonna happen, he thought. "You are, so..." Roy caught himself before finishing the sentence. Stop it! He thought to himself. "Hn, I wonder if he'd believe me... If I said, I was drunk?" He study'd the alchemist. Ed tuned a bit, moaning lightly. Roy gulped down the rest of the bottle fast, his head throbbed. A diet of pure alcohol all day wasn't good on you stomach or head, the room tipped slightly as he stood there.

Ed rolled over and opened his sleepy eyes slowly. Ed looked to his side, what the hell? Where was he?! He looked to his other side, his eyes adjusting to the darkness. Mustang stood roughly nine feet away from himself, and as if the wasn't bad enough, the bastard was wearing only his underwear! That was it, Ed was defiantly gonna need therapy after this one, this is what he never wanted to see. Yet, here he was, staring at Roy Mustang nearly naked and holding a bottle of whiskey.

Authors note: so, there you have it. The first chapter, I know it was a bit short but c'mon, that's only the first chapter;)

(next, Al and Winry's side of the story)

Burned (a Roy x Ed fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora