Girls Day

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*Ding Dong*

"I'll get it!" Jenny shouts running to the door.

I hear the door open, some squealing, and then the door closed. Aphmau, KC, Lucinda, Kim, and Dottie entered the room fallowed by Jenny.

"Now we just need to wait for Kaitlin!" Jenny says enthusiastically.

"Until then, let's play truth or dare!" Aph suggests.

Just then the bell rang again.

"That must be Kaitlin, I'll go get it," I say hopping up.

I open the door and see Kaitlin standing there, a big smile on her face.

"Hey girl!" She greeted.

"Hi Kaitlin," I responded.

We entered the room where the other girls were. They where in a circle playing truth or dare.

"Hi Kaitlin-Sama!" Kawaii-Chan greeted.

"Sup KC, everyone," Kaitlin responds.

"Join us! We just started truth or Dare!" Jenny beams.

We sit down in the circle and play the game. I spin the bottle and it lands on Kim.

"Kim, truth or dare?" I ask in a menacing tone.

"Truth," she answers hesitantly.

I let out and evil laugh before asking her a question, "who do you like?"

"G-Garroth," she whispers almost inaudibly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't here you," Lucinda says bringing her hand to her ear to listen.

"GARROTH!" She shouts before putting her hand over her mouth.

"HAHAHA! EWWWW! GARROTH?" Kaitlin shouts obnoxiously.

Her face goes red and she lowers her head not looking at anyone.

"I think it's sweet," KC says. Then her face lights up, "IF YOU MARRY GARROTH AND I MARRY ZANE WE CAN BE SISTER IN-LAWS!"

She covers her mouth and blushes as she realizes what she just said. We all burst out laughing.

We play a bit more truth or dare before we decide to go out and explore the park. We went on a few rides and then went out for lunch.

"So Jenny, why exactly are we having a girls day? I mean I'm not complaining, just wondering," Kaitlin asks after we place our order.

"Oh, Y/N was experiencing PKSD and needed a distraction," Jenny responded causally.

I felt my face heat up a tiny bit.

"PKS what?" Dottie said confused.

"PKSD, it's Post Kiss Stress Disorder," She answers.

My face heats up more.

"That's not a thing!" Kaitlin responds unsurely.

"Guys! Forget that it's not a thing! Y/N kissed someone!" Lucinda says excitedly.

"OMG! You're right! Who was it?" Aphmau beams.

I'm a living tomato, "B-Blaze."

"Blaze?" Dottie asks a bit aggressively. I cam sense her jealousy but ignore it.

"I didn't know you and Blaze-Kun were going out!" KC cuts in making the awkwardness dissipate.

"We-We just started... we had our second date and he kissed me..." I answer nervously.

All the girls start to ask me questions frantically. Dottie was a bit aggressive toward me the rest of the day. Can she be jealous?

After lunch, we went on a few more rides, shopped in souvenir stores, and watched the Stary parade. We went out for dinner and watched the fireworks. We went home after a busy day.

"That was so fun!" Jenny shouts as we enter our boat house thing.

I nodded in agreement.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed, goodnight!" She says with a yawn.

I decide to go to bed too. Just as I'm about to put my pajamas on I hear a nock at our door. I make my way over to answer it. I open the door and everything goes black.

What's up dogs! Wacky here! I got a chapter of Photograph out! Yay me! I'm honestly getting bored of this book so it's gonna come to an end. Be prepared for the excitement to come! Love you all! Wacky Wolf AWAY! *Flies out Magic's window*
Word count: 632

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