Chapter 15 - Biggums!

Start from the beginning

"rain water won't fill us up and it's too unsafe to go over the wall" I said Seto looked a bit sad

Jerome opened the door earning a creaking sound

"right creepy doors" Jerome joked

I stared at him how can he joke right now?!

Seto gave a small laugh I was a bit shock it felt like years to hear Seto laugh...

I sigh maybe I am losing myself...

we all walked inside getting into the disturbing hall.

Seto had fear in his eyes I looked at what he was looking at,

I gasped there was Morgan body on the ground.

(Mitch Pov)

I sigh I kept thinking about Jerome how he was so happy so brave.

"Hey Mitch didn't you say you had friends here still?" Ross asked I nodded slowly

we all kept walking round the building "let's just hope we don't end up like that girl down stairs" Max said

I nodded again that what I've been doing after I left Jerome...

Ross came beside me "I know how you feel" he whispered I looked up at his face he gave me a sad smile

"I had a friend a long time ago and they went missing but I never gave up looking, his name was Jin... but when we found him it was too late... he was buried alive sadly" Ross said looking down

I was surprise and sad for the guy "I-I'm sorry that happened" I whispered my voice hurt from not talking

"well nothing is up here" Max said sighing

"w-wait the last room" I spoke up Max looked at the door I was pointing to but sigh

"that door is lock" he whispered I walked to the door and turned the gold doorknob, the door opened

Max had a clueless look on his face I heard Ross chuckle behind me.

I walked in Ross and Max followed

"I miss Jess" Ross whispered Max didn't say anything but he's eyes told me everything, he was heartbroken...

I looked around the door it looked like a classroom,

I felt like someone was watching us...

"Guys do you feel like you're being watched?" They both nodded Ross eyes showed fright

"w-we have to go!" he said we all run over to the door

it was locked!

"No, no!" Max shouted he banged on the door "Help!" Ross shouted.

We all heard footsteps outside the door trying to open to door.

I heard giggling behind us I turned my head to look

I screamed out scared!

There were all three ghosts giggling

"get that door open!" Ross screamed I felt myself sobbing I bent down holding my head

"JEROME!" I sobbed out frightened

"HELP ANYONE!" Max begged the other people were banging on the door

"w-we trying!" a voice shouted it sounded like I know them but I was scared to death.

"Jerome" I whispered

"M-Mitch!" a voice shouted it sounded like Jerome... I looked up but was grabbed

I screamed I was flouting in the air!

"Help!" I shrieked "MITCH!" Jerome shouted the door was broken down

I kept sobbing I heard another scream from my left it was Ross!

"Let them go!" Bruce shouted

Seto ran over to Ross who had a little girl who had scissors who was trying to stab Ross

I felt pain in my leg "Get them out of here!" Jerome ordered I was shaking now

"p-please" I begged the little boy who had a knife laughed,

pain hit my back by the wall I couldn't breathe! "Mitch!" Jerome shouted I fell on the ground holding my neck taking air in,

"Run!" Jerome yelled

I got up as fast as I can but tripped over and got grabbed on the bad leg by another girl who had no head!

I screamed again

why me all the time!

I felt arm wrap round my chest.

"Come join us" she whispered "Jerome is dead you're the one who killed him" tears were running down my cheeks

"n-no I didn't kill him" I whispered I felt strong arm pick me up but I kept crying hugging whoever was holding me...

"Mitch" he sigh I looked up to see Jerome face he was alive

b-but how?

I didn't care now I had my Biggums with me I hugged him not letting go...

Season 1 Corpse party (skylox Merome setosolace) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now