Chapter 3

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Jesse, Lukas, and Ivor went back into the temple. There wasn't any sign of Petra or Axel, but based on the sounds of machines running in the lab, that meant Olivia was back. The three friends took a walk through the hallway and went into the living room. Ivor continued reading his book while Lukas and Jesse sat down.

"I'm sorry you didn't get the answers you wanted, Jesse. I wish there was something I could do to help you," said Lukas.

"It's fine Lukas. I appreciate you and Ivor coming with me to the orphanage though. You're one of my most trustworthy friends, and Ivor's like a father to me, so having you two come with me helped me feel more confident," said Jesse.

Lukas smiled and blushed at Jesse. He was flattered by the comment she gave him. He hadn't told her, but he was starting to develop a crush on Jesse. Only problem was, he was too shy to admit his feelings for her.

"Hey guys..." said a voice.

It was Petra and Axel. They looked tied out from chasing after the bandits.

"Did you find those bandits? We're sorry we didn't help you..." said Jesse.

"They got away. Next time I see them, I'm not hesitating to actually finish them off..." Petra said, almost growling.

"Well, no one messes with you unless they want to get owned. You're the toughest person I know," said Axel.

Petra smiled at Axel's complement.

"By the way, are you alright Jesse? Olivia told us that she sensed that something must've been bothering you," said Axel.

Jesse, Lukas, and Ivor waited for Olivia to come out of the lab. When she came out, the trio filled Axel, Petra, and Olivia in on what happened after the encounter with the bandits.

"Oh my. We never knew that about you Jesse. We're sorry..." said Axel.

"It's not your fault that the bandits got away. The same thing would probably happen to me," said Olivia.

"You feeling okay?" asked Petra.

"I'm okay now. I still have questions, but... maybe I'll never have them answered..." said Jesse.

Ivor gave Jesse a pat on the shoulder and said, "Well, I understand that you don't like how your life began. But if you think about it what you have now, you should feel lucky. Sure, you didn't have a happy beginning, but you've got your friends, you defeated the Witherstorm, and you're exploring the world. If anything, you've got to be the luckiest person I know."

Jesse smiled at her friends. "Thanks guys," she said, almost in a whisper.

Axel, Petra, Olivia, Lukas, and Ivor only smiled back at her.

Suddenly, they heard something break in the treasure room.

"God dang it!" they heard a man's angry voice shout.

"James! Shut up! You're gonna get us caught!" shouted another angry voice.

"The same goes for you, Rocky! And... now me I guess..." sand another man's voice.

"All of you shut up! We can't fail Denton, and we can't fail the master!" said a four voice.

Jesse, Lukas, Axel, Petra, Olivia, and Ivor ran over to the treasure room as the voices were arguing. That's when they saw the bandits from earlier. One of them knocked over something that Jesse and the group found from one of their adventures and broke it.

"You!" Petra shouted angrily. She pulled out her sword and immediately charged for the bandits. "No one messes with me and gets away with it!"

One of them started to fight back at her. Another tried to sneak up on Petra, but Axel quickly grabbed him and pulled him away.

"Don't you dare touch her!" he shouted at the bandit.

Olivia, Lukas, and Ivor quickly joined in. Jesse started to rush over to help her friends, but that's when she felt something hit her from behind. Denton had snuck up behind her, and he hit her with a splash potion of weakness.

"Ahh!" Jesse cried in pain.

"Jesse!" Lukas shouted.

He tried to run over, but Denton pulled out a bow and arrow and fired at him. Lukas quickly dodged it, but when he got back on his feet, he saw that Denton had picked up Jesse, who was now unconscious and weak from the potions effects.

"No!" he shouted.

The bandits quickly used splash potions of invisibility to vanish from the rest of the group. Denton jumped out the window and landed on a horse. He rode off, taking Jesse hostage.

"JESSE! JESSE!" Lukas shouted angrily. He jumped out and tried to chase after them, but because he wasn't fast enough, he lost sight of Denton.

"NO!" he shouted angrily. When there wasn't any sign of Denton left, he threw his sword on the ground in frustration and anger.

"Lukas!" he heard a voice shout to him. Petra, Axel, Olivia, and Ivor came running out of the temple.

"We can't let them get away! We have to save Jesse!" Lukas said, almost angrily.

"Hey, we're worried to, but don't be mad at us! We want to save Jesse as much as you do!" Ivor snapped at him.

Lukas took a deep breath in and let it out. It helped him calm down a little bit.

"I'm sorry. I'm just... worried about her. Okay?" he said. He wasn't going to tell them that he had feelings for Jesse and he was more worried about her than the others because he loved her.

"We know. Come on. If we hurry now, maybe we can pick up their trail," said Petra.

Meanwhile, at the unknown location, the master of the bandits was staring at the night sky. He remained in the shadows so that if anyone snuck up on him, no one can see him.

"As soon as Jesse is here, I can finally show her parents that I have their precious daughter. I can finally get my revenge..." he whispered to himself as he formed an evil grin.

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