Chapter 5

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Back with Lukas and the others, they spent all night searching for Jesse and the bandits, but they couldn't find them. With no idea on where the bandits went, they called in the rest of the Old Order to help them out.

"Men in black? We haven't seen them in Boomtown," said Magnus.

"Or Redstonia. I haven't seen them anywhere before either," said Ellegaard.

"I've never seen them before as well. I asked Emerald, and she said she hasn't seen them anywhere either," said Soren.

"None of us have heard of them. But we'll help you find Jesse," said Gabriel.

The group was worried, but Lukas was the one who was worried the most.

'I hope she's okay...' he thought, forming a sad look on his face.

Petra glared at him as she saw Lukas look sad. She knew that the blonde had a crush on Jesse. She just knew it, and she understood that he was worried about her.

'He's really worried about Jesse because he likes her. We're all worried about her thought...' thought Petra.

"Those jerks came into town to steal from the townsfolk, yet they succeed in kidnapping our friend!" Axel said angrily.

"Which makes me question why they were here yesterday..." said Olivia.

"What do you mean?" asked Ivor.

"Think about it: they started to rob that store, and after they picked a fight and got a glimpse of Jesse, they drop what they were going to take and bolted. And later today, they came to the temple, but the only thing they were after was Jesse. I have a feeling someone sent them to kidnap her," said Olivia.

"But who? Who would kidnap Jesse? She doesn't have any rivals or enemies, and we can cross Aiden off the list of suspects because we know he wouldn't do that. No. He's keeping his word to Jesse on making a fresh start and being a writer," said Petra.

"Why are we wasting time debating this? We have to go and find Jesse!" said Lukas, almost angrily.

"He's right. We can't be wasting time," said Soren.

The group was about to start walking out of the treasure room, but that's when they saw Jesse walking in. A man with brown hair and green eyes was walking with her.

"Jesse?! Jesse, you're okay!" Lukas cried. He ran over to her and gave her a tight hug. "Oh I was so worried about you!"

Jesse blushed as she returned the hug. The man next to her watched and smiled. It didn't take long for the rest of Jesse's friends to run over and give her a hug as well.

"We're so happy you're okay! How did you get away?" asked Lukas.

"I was able to get away from them, but they hunted me down and almost recaptured me because I didn't have my sword on me. That's when this guy came to my rescue," said Female Jesse.

Male Jesse waved nervously to them and said, "Hey. My name's also Jesse..."

"Cool! You two got the same name!" said Axel.

"Now don't tell me who you guys are. Jesse told me about you, so I want to see if I know who's who," said Male Jesse.

"Okay. Go for it then, Jesse," said Petra.

"Well, you're Petra, that's for sure," said Male Jesse, as he looked at her. Then he looked at Lukas and Axel and said, "You're Lukas, and you're Axel."

"You got that right, dude," said Axel.

"Hi..." Lukas said. He was getting a little nervous about Male Jesse. He had a feeling that there was something fishy about him.

"And you're Olivia," said Male Jesse, as he turned to her.

Olivia smiled and said, "Yep. That's me."

Finally, Male Jesse turned to the old Order and said, "And you guys are Magnus, Ellegaard, Soren, Gabriel, and Ivor."

"Right you are, man," said Magnus as he smiled.

"Then again, we are the old order," Gabriel said with a chuckle.

"Still, it's nice to meet you all," said Male Jesse.

"Well Jesse," said Ivor.

Both Male Jesse and Female Jesse turned to face him. Ivor chuckled and said, "Oops. You both got the same name. Uh... I was talking to Male Jesse. Anyway, is there any way we can repay you, for saving our friend?"

"Nah. Don't worry about it. I'm kinda in the middle of something right now. I'm trying to look for someone," said Male Jesse.

"Who are you looking for?" asked Olivia.

Male Jesse pulled something out from his pockets and said, "I'm looking for someone who has the other half of this amulet."

Female Jesse froze in place when she saw his amulet. She had a feeling that it was the other half to her amulet. She pulled it out and held it up.

"Jesse..." Lukas whispered, as he looked at her.

Male Jesse stared at the amulet, then he stared at Female Jesse. The rest of their friends stared at the two of them as well.

Finally, Female Jesse walked up to Male Jesse. The put the two pieces together to finish it up. The symbol on one side looked like some sort of mountain that was carved in it. On the back side, there was some writing on it:

Until the pieces come together, the twins by the same name shall be separated. When united, the brother and sister shall become a team and stop the evil that separated them.

Male Jesse and Female Jesse stared at each other for a moment.

"Guys... what's going on here?" asked Petra.

Male Jesse look at Female Jesse and said, "You're my... my twin sister?"

At the same time, Female Jesse said, "You're my... my twin brother?"

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