Life after Death: CH5

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Okay so I know it's taken me ages to get this chapter finished and I'm so sorry! I've been bombarded with exams and revision and work and everything else you can think of off the top of your head! But I'm back, and here's the next chapter of Life After Death:D

Oh, and before I go, I'd just like to ask that if you haven't already had a look at my new story "The Night Travellers", I'd be sooooo grateful if you found the time to check it out! I'm in the middle of writing the first chapter, but hopefully you guys can build an opinion based on the synopsis and the "Before" chapter.

So anyway, enjoy! :D

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Chapter five.


“I didn’t know Grandpa used to hit you.” Dan’s voice was small and timid as he spoke the words. It wasn’t something I’d ever shared with him, up until now, and I hadn’t realised.

“He did,” I murmured, watching him to see his reaction. All I saw was a slightly surprised boy, deep in thought. “He doesn’t anymore. That was the last time he ever hit me.”

“Why did he do it?” I was slightly shocked at Dan’s question, and also at the fact that when he looked at me I saw rage in his eyes.

I shrugged. “He was an angry man.”

“Did he ever hit Aunt Sammie? What about Aunt Rainey?”

I shook my head. “He tried to hit Rainey once.” Our eyes met. “Only once.”

We let the dust settle in the room for a few minutes, the both of us dwelling on my last words. I remembered being back in that hospital. I remembered the pain I was in as I struggled to carry Rainey, and the pain in my chest when I saw her lying in the hospital bed. I remembered the pain in my kneecaps, my ribs, all over my entire body. I remembered it all like it was only yesterday.

“What happened next?” Dan asked, his voice small again. I looked up at him. “I mean, what happened to you? And Rainey?”

“I wasn’t sure what had happened after I blacked out, actually…”


All I could remember was Dad’s angry words as he blamed his violence on me. That was something he did a lot: turning the blame on other people all the time. Nothing was ever his fault. He could dish it out, but he couldn’t take it, as Rainey always used to say.

I could hear my heartbeat. It was beating heavily but steadily in my chest, its pulse throbbing in my ears. I could hear a beeping sound that was in sync with my heartbeat. On the other side of my closed eyelids, there was a bright light and a voice.

“Caleb, darling,”

It was Mum.

All it took was the knowledge that she was still here for me to open my eyes. I was back in my hospital room and the IV drip was in the back of my hand again. My entire body was numb, my mouth dry, my mind foggy. Nonetheless, there sat my beautiful mother at my bedside. I gave her a faint smile, and she reached over and put her hand in mine.

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” She kissed my hand, giving me a sad smile. I could see the tears beginning to well up in her eyes.

“Aw, Ma, don’t cry,” My voice was croaky. “Please don’t cry.”

She gave a laugh and wiped her tears away with her tissue, still clutching my hand with all her might. I let my head roll to the left, where the door was, alongside the big window that looked out onto the corridor. Through the partially open blinds, I could see my father standing outside talking to two police officers. I couldn’t draw my eyes away from his regretful, tired, aged face as his lips mouthed words I couldn’t hear to the officers.

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