A Walmart Adventure

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It was officially happening. The group
showed up outside of Walmart at exactly 3:02 sharp just as planned. Their parents didn't question them this time.

Jaeden, obviously, walked in first, clout goggles and all, blasting Africa by Toto. Finn and Jack cried.

Jermey and Chosen set off to find a new son, Chosen pushed him in a cart off towards the toy isle.

Millie and Sophia were sprinting towards the home decor section not even five seconds after they arrived, Millie wrapping Sophia in a rug and rolling her towards small children.

Jack ran up to some old lady, looked her straight in the eyes and said, "So I was sitting there, barbecue sauce on my titties," She punched him. Finn threatened to smash her low-calorie tasty cakes on the floor. She apologized.

Noah, of course, dragged Sadie to the first aid isle, "I am so sick of being alive," he said through tears as he put the $10.99 jumbo pack of My Little Pony bandaids back on the shelf. Sadie rubbed his back and suggested getting the plain ones. Noah threatened a divorce.

Wyatt chugged six fruit smoothies in row as Jaeden screamed the chorus of Africa. "HURRY BOY, ITS WAITING THERE FOR YOU," he threw a sixty pack of sharpies into the air, "ITS GOANNA TAKE A LOT TO DRAG ME AWAY FROM YOU" Wyatt started crying, "THERES NOTHING THAT A HUNDRED MEN OF MORE COULD EVER DO," he heard Finn and Jack screaming from across the store, "I BLESS THE RAINS DOWN IN AFRICA,"

Chosen found a mini Hatchimal and declared it their new son, they named him Horris and made him a bed out of childrens socks.

Sophia ended up rolling straight into a toilet paper display, and instead of helping her, Millie snapchated the whole thing. Sophia was not amused and threw a family sized pack of frozen cookie dough right at her head

This time, Jack had been asked to pick up some mouth wash, so Finn (Who again was preoccupied by his ghost hunting app) pushed him in a cart over to the isle.

Cue Finn smashing the last bottle of bubblegum mouth wash out of his hands because, "JACK IM NOT LETTING YOU PUT THAT FUCKING GHOST JUICE IN YOUR MOUTH, IT SAYS HERE SIX DIFFERENT GHOST INHABIT THAT EXACT BOTTLE. SIX!!!" Jack sobbed loudly as it spilled on his shoes and ran off towards the produce section.

Sadie felt Noahs pain as she checked the pricing on the six pack of Hello Kitty chapsticks, "$5.99, Noah. 5 fucking 99," she said as she rested her head on his shoulder, "what has humanity come to," Noah just shoo his head, dramatically putting the chapstick back on the shelf and whispering, "I only brought three dollars,"

Africa had ended, and Jaeden had given his clout goggles to Wyatt as he rode around on a tricycle and recited the state capitals. Jaeden pushed him towards Millie and Sophia and suggested a new 'Sophie and Jyatt Hut" they, obviously, agreed.

Jermey fed Horris yogurt, and Chosen sang him a lullaby. A middle aged woman asked if they were okay. They were not.

Finn and Jack, once again, crashed the Sophie and Jyatt Hut by making out inside of it. This time the others just followed suit. Anyone who walked by was slightly disturbed.

Noah and Sadie ended up Dancing with Chosen, Jermey, and Horris to Jessies Girl as it played near the electronic section. Jermey knocked over three flat screen Tvs

They all got kicked out

They were not welcome at that Walmart ever again.

lmao idk either.

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