Chapter 10

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As Harry and I boarded the train, a man told us that he'd help us with our trunks.

We let him take our trunks and we hopped inside after we gave our tickets to the train conductor.

I held Sev in my arms as we searched for an empty compartment.

As we searched, I looked around the train. It was narrow and full of kids. Either playing or talking to their friends.

"Hailey, over here," Harry called out to me as he found an empty compartment.

Harry sat down on the leather seat and I sat down in the seat across him.

As soon as we sat down, a whistle blew throughout the platform and the train started to move.

Harry and I watched as the other kids moved towards the windows trying to reach out and say goodbye to their parents.

Harry looked out the opposite window with a smile on his face.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked my brother.

"We're going to Hogwarts, Hailey," he said. "We're going to Hogwarts."

I rolled my eyes at him and smiled as I heard Sev purr when I stroke his head.

"Yes, Harry," I said as I looked at my brother and smiled. "I heard you the first time. You don't have to repeat it."

The train increased in speed as we left the platform and now, we're on our way to Hogwarts.

After a few minutes, we heard a voice coming from the door to our compartment.

"Excuse me," Harry and I turned to the sound of the voice. "Do you mind? Everywhere else is full."

"Not at all," Harry and I said.

He gave us a smile and walked in and sat beside me.

He has red hair like mine and freckles danced across his face.

"I'm Ron, by the way," he introduced himself as soon as he sat down. "Ron Weasley."

"I'm Harry," my brother said with a smile.

"Hailey," I introduced as I pet Sev.

"Potter," Harry and I said at the same time as if we practiced this our whole life.

The smile vanished off of Ron's face and was replaced with a shocked expression. His mouth opened and closed like a fish.

"So it's true," Ron said as he looked back and forth between Harry and me. "I mean, do you really have the... the...?" he said as he keeps on pointing at his head.

"The what?" Harry and I said.

"The scar?" he whispered.

"Oh," Harry smiled as he lifted his hair from his forehead revealing his scar.

Ron's eyes widened and he turned to look at me.

I smiled at his curiosity and I pulled the loose hair behind my ear that covered my lighting shaped scar.

If it's even possible, Ron's eyes widened even more.

"Wicked!" he exclaimed in shock.

As Harry and I laughed at his expression, a woman passed through outside our compartment pushing a trolley full of sweets. She stopped and looked at us.

"Anything of the trolley, dears?" the old woman said with a kind smile.

"No thanks," Ron said as he looked at the bad he held. He tried to force a smile but eventually it vanished as he eyes the sweets. "I'm all set."

Hailey Potter-Harry Potter's Twin Sister: Book 1-  The Sorcerer's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now