Chapter 11: Don't Want

Start from the beginning

Eren glanced warily at Armin as Petra nodded. "Okay. Thank you."

The strawberry-blonde walked away, back to the community room, and Eren immediately asked Armin questions. "Why didn't you take her as well to the park?"

Armin's blue eyes glowed with wisdom as he thought of all the possibilities that could happen. "She seems like one who would get scared of such information. I can't risk it. People do horrible things when they drown in fear."

Hanji's expression became unreadable as she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "Let's go. The others are waiting."

The two boys gave a quick nod nefore following Hanji as she led the two of them to the small park.

Hanji ignored the actual park, and headed for the border fence that led into a small forest. She led them confidently, weaving through the trees and bushes like she had walked through this path hundreds of time.

Armin's eyes darted from side to side, his eyes glittering nervously. Eren kept glancing warily, uncomfortable in the unknown surrounding.

Hanji kept on walking until the thick bushes came to a stop and the path widened, opening up to a clearing. A gasp left Armin as he looked around, and Eren mouth was left hanging.

"Where are we?" Eren asked in wonder.

"Tada!!~ This is our secret hideout!" Hanji giggled, spreading her arms wide.

''This is amazing!" Armin gasped.

The soft grass tickled Eren's hand as he leaned down to touch it. A soft breeze blew in the air, bringing a scent of fresh, unpolluted air. The clearing was wide, a perfect place for a picnic. At the middle, the rest of the group was sitting down in a circle, quietly talking to each other.

Hanji led Armin and Eren to them, disturbing their conversation. Pairs of eyes stared at the newcomers, then they all began shuffling so the three of them can join in the circle.

After they were all comfortable, Erwin spoke up, "Shall we begin?"


(Y/N) POV, yes back to first person

My mouth was dry. Very dry. I searched around the room for some water, but there was only water from the bathroom I will most definitely not drink.

This is what I get for staying in my room from dawn till dusk, no eating, no drinking, no sleeping. Actually, I can't exactly remember what I've been doing.

No, scratch that, I don't know what happened since last night. I just remembered everything blacked out. Then I snapped back conscious just now.

It must've happened again.

I wonder what did I do this time. At the very least, I hope I won't be expelled.

My stomach grumbled, angry at its owner that didn't feed it all day. I patted it, still wondering what I had done in the time lapse.

I should get some food.

There was no food supply in this room, so I had to go out. Then I started feeling it again. The weird feeling tied a knot in my stomach, and I started feeling a wave of emotions flow into me.

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