Chapter 30

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So here's another New York themed song that I love! The video is an homage to "Sleepless in Seattle." If you're too young to remember that movie, definitely look it up and watch! The words are so sweet. This song is by Above and Beyond, and features the beautiful singing of Zoe Johnston.

"Fly To New York"

(feat. Zoë Johnston)

You've been in my dreams
Right there in the seams
In the notes, in the fabric
In the way the day leans
There's so much I'd like to share with you
Share my arms
Share my time
Share almost anything that's mine
Except my fear of losing you

We could fly to New York
I could show you that place
Cut shapes from the winter's most delicate lace
Lay down in Superman crystals of snow
But this is real life, don't you know

We could fly to New York
I could show you that place
Cut shapes from the winter's most delicate lace
Lay down in Superman crystals of snow
But this is real life, don't you know

You're part of me now
Known me somehow
Since birth
Since I fell down
Since you gave me my crown
It's too much to bear
Too much love there
Full of wonder
I will be free
You can see almost all of me
But not my fear of losing you


We could fly to New York
I could show you that place
Cut shapes from the winter's most delicate lace
Lay down in Superman crystals of snow
But this is real life, don't you know

We could fly to New York
I could show you that place
Cut shapes from the winter's most delicate lace
Lay down in Superman crystals of snow
But this is real life, don't you know?

Writer(s): Jonathan Grant, Anthony Mcguinness, Paavo Siljamaeki, Zoe Johnston


They made good time into New York City. As they approached the city from across the river, Elisabeth wondered what had gotten into her, that she had agreed to what was essentially a harebrained scheme on Shawn's part—an effort to win her back. An effort that wasn't going to succeed, that had come years too late.

She could see it for what it was. And she felt pity for Shawn, so much pity that she couldn't deny him his chance.

No, that wasn't right. It wasn't pity. He didn't need pity, after all. Why would anyone as fortunate as Shawn need pity?

It's respect, she decided. Sure, he had been underhanded by inviting her to dinner then cornering her when they were already zooming down the highway. That wasn't cool. But his feelings—

--they were real. And she needed to respect them.

But she also needed to respect Gunnar and show up when she said she would. Shawn said they would make it on time, and she chose to believe him. There was a small, niggling voice in a far corner of her mind that observed that it would be to Shawn's benefit if they didn't make it in time for her rendezvous with Gunnar, but she ignored it. That wasn't true, because she wasn't going to abandon Gunnar regardless of what Shawn did. He surely knew that. He wouldn't win her by trying to keep her with him by force.

Something was different about Shawn tonight, and she wondered why. He'd never accepted that she wasn't the same Beth that he'd left behind in Greenleigh. He had treated her as if she needed constant babysitting, and she'd felt awkward, because she did need help, and he'd helped.

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