Chapter 12b

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Author note: I apologize for this sudden random post, but after uploading Chapter 12 and attaching the seemingly-random Arty music video, "This Must be the Love," I wondered what the lyrics to that song were. I was so focused on the "vibe" of the song and the storyline of the music video, I actually never paid attention to the lyrics (oops, not a good sign for a novelist!). So I went in search of the lyrics and was astonished that they actually are perfect for this book! Here they are (credit for this transcription goes to:

I followed you until the end
I counted every step
I did not know what was to come
Still I tried and dreamt

I wondered where I was before
I honestly can't say
This must be the love they speak of
And those myths I read

This must be the love
This must be the love
This must be the love

I know you are the one to keep
Oh, we wonder how we did not see
Our eyes open when we found our love
And we heal

This must be the love
This must be the love
This must be the love

Every moment waiting here
I feel more alive
I could give this world away
To keep this endless high

The scars within my heart are fadingBit by bit I'm healed
The more I let go, the more I am whole
This time its for real

Bit by bit I'm healed
Bit by bit I'm healed
Bit by bit I'm healed

I know you are the one to keep
Oh, we wonder how we did not see
Our eyes open when we found our love
And we heal

This must be the love question for all of you is, who do you think is the voice in this song? Beth? Shawn? Or maybe...Leather Jacket? The video itself has a sad/melancholy ending. Do you think that's appropriate? Or (if you watched until the end, were you furious because the ending was JUST WRONG??? LOL)

More next time! :)

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