I rolled my eyes, "Blair, it's not that big of a deal."

We walked into the school and I realized the hallways were empty, so I figured everyone was where they were supposed to be. I headed upstairs towards my homeroom, knowing Blair was going to part from me soon to go to hers.

She looked at me, "I hope we have at least one class together."

I retorted, "I don't, I see you enough as it is."

Once again Blair's manly shove forced me to lose balance and stumble down the hallway. I turned around, ready to yell at Blair when I heard voices in the hallway.

"This is your classroom, Miss Adams."

I recognized that voice all too well, and I knew Blair did too as we mumbled together, "Shit."

Principal Douglas.

Blair pulled me into another hallway as I staggered behind her, trying to avoid getting in trouble on our first day back. Blair cursed, "Sam, thank you, really, for making us late."

I looked at her, whispering harshly, "I made us late? Why do you have to live out in the fucking sticks?"

She made it to her homeroom door, which was actually down the hallway from mine as she shoved me in the shoulder. She muttered, "I'll see you later."

I flicked her off before I made my way down the hall and up to my homeroom door, attempting to let myself in and realizing it was locked. I cursed, and then I realized there was a paper taped on the door reading, Craig's homeroom will meet in room 210.

I rolled my eyes, realizing that was back the way we had heard the principal, I was just hoping he was gone by now.

I walked coolly around the corner and made my way to the designated room, hoping that my homeroom wouldn't be completely quiet when I walked in. I knew I was walking in late, which meant all eyes would be on me once I walked in.

I made it to the room, pulling on the door and letting myself in, only to come face to face with my homeroom teacher.

His arms were crossed as he looked at me, along with the rest of my homeroom class, "Glad you took your time getting here."

I looked at him with a playful expression, "Craig, you know how I am."

He nodded, handing me my schedule as he dismissed me to a seat, "Yea, I've had you for four years, I'm glad this is the last one."

I turned away, taking a seat as I read over my schedule and realizing something was terribly wrong.

I had one more class than I was supposed to.

I raised my hand, getting Mr. Craig's attention as he called on me, "What now, Sam?"

I held up my schedule, "I have one too many classes on here."

This gained a slight wave of laughter from the class as I smiled. They never took me seriously. Hell, I wouldn't take myself seriously.

He answered, "You need to take that up with your counselor, not me."

I rolled my eyes, reading over my schedule in the process. I had English first, Calculus second, some wack ass science class third and... American History fourth?! American History? What kind of shit is that? That's like some Junior level crap!

The bell rang, dismissing us to our first hour, leaving me to walk down the hallway to meet Blair and deliver bad news. Blair found me first, grabbing my arm and speaking, "Let me see your schedule!"

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now