What happened last night?

How did she get back home?

Why is she in her pyjamas and not in a dress so tight she could barely move?

She goes over the questions in her head over and over, trying to find answers to them, trying to at least remember something about last night, but she was unable to do so, causing her to pout.

Stupid brain.

Stupid alcohol.

Sighing heavily, she kicks off her covers and sits up, a shocked look appearing on her face when she see's a glass of water and some Tylenol placed in the middle of her nightstand. She takes them warily before sliding out of bed, the oversized shirt she was wearing falling to her knees.

Deciding that the item of clothing covered enough, she doesn't bother with pants and tentatively walks to her door, opening it quietly.

She hears Dinah and Lauren already awake, talking quietly between themselves and she hopes they wouldn't be mad at her; but she doubts it, after all, she did promise not to go out last night then defied them two minutes later.

Deciding she just needed to get it over with, she walks out of her bedroom and down the hall, stopping in the doorway of the kitchen not having the guts to go any further.

Dinah notices her first and greets her with a soft smile.

"Hi mila, want some breakfast?"

At her words, Lauren turns around in her seat, looking less than happy. Despite that though, she still manages to send the younger girl a small smile before turning back around.

Nodding her head at Dinah's words, Camila shyly walks properly into the kitchen sits herself down on the seat opposite Lauren. She avoids eye contact with the woman as she begins to eat, because as much as she hates to admit it, she was scared of her.

It was the very voice that sometimes scared her that brought her out of her thoughts just seconds later, making her jump in surprise and look up with wide eyes, a piece of toast hanging out of her mouth.

"We have a lot to talk about once you've eaten, so just, prepare yourself, okay?"

She nods quickly at her words, watching with wide eyes as the green eyed woman gets up from her place at the table, walking to the sink. With the worried look on Dinah's face and the brisk attitude from Lauren, she guesses their talk to be about one particular thing.

They were kicking her out.


Lauren stares at an obviously nervous Camila as she tries to gather her thoughts.

The younger woman was still in her pyjamas, making her seem a lot younger than she actually was as she sat cross legged on the couch, but what stood out most to Lauren was the tears that were burning in her eyes.

Lauren was a little confused as to why the girl seemed upset, but she would save the questioning for later as she really wanted to get the talk over with before she lost her confidence and decided not to say anything.

Dinah was sat next to her on the couch, her slightly larger hand firmly placed in her own. Her thumb was moving soothingly across the top of it, providing as a subtle comfort for her girlfriend.

When Lauren glances to her left, she meets Dinah's eyes for a second before looking away.

"Listen Camila, this whole thing is getting out of hand. I understand that you're not a child, but your attitude lately-"

Before she could get any further with her words, the younger woman cuts her off, her voice panicked, but quiet.

"Please don't kick me out!"

"What? We're not-"

"Please, I'm begging you!"



"Karla Camila, stop interrupting me!"

The room went eerily silent.

The young woman sits on the couch opposite her, suddenly quiet with her eyes wide. She was obviously more than just a little shocked she had actually been scolded like a child.

Lauren sighs thankfully at that, grateful that Camila had for once, listened to her. She gives herself a second to calm down before once again bringing her attention to the younger woman, making sure to keep her guard up just in case Camila tries to fight her on this.

Before she could build up the courage to speak again, Dinah beats her to it.

"What Lauren's trying to say Camila, is that of lately, your actions and the way you've been acting in general has been disgusting. You're nineteen years old, still technically a child in the eyes of the law. Both Lauren and I have decided that to fix this, we're going to have to intervene, do something to try and make this situation better and easier for us all to deal with."

She states calmly before speaking again.

"Before you say anything, I want you to hear us out okay? There's to be no yelling, no getting frustrated about not getting your way, you are to sit there like a good girl and listen carefully"

Camila nods, her eyes still wide.

"Have you heard of age play before?" Dinah questions straight away, not giving herself time to back out.

Camila shakes her head, looking at the couple in front of her warily.

"Okay, so age play is a form of role play in which an individual acts or treats another as if they were a different age. It can be sexual or not sexual, depending on the person but for us, it would strictly non sexual." She begins, a subtle smirk appearing on her face when Camila goes to speak, but stops in her tracks when the green eyed girl sends her a stern look.

"Now, this involves consent from all parties so we won't be doing it without your agreement, but remember, we're not doing this to degrade you or to hurt you in anyway, we're simply doing this because as of lately, your attitude stinks and this is how we're going to fix it" She finishes off.

Now, Lauren expected a fight, she expected Camila to yell, hell she even expected her to start throwing things, but what she didn't expect was a small two syllable word to escape her lips.


It was that word that changed all of their lives forever.


Soo, what do you think?

Don't forget to vote!

Damaged (Ageplay) (Completed) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora