Chapter 4

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Just as Lauren finishes washing the dishes from dinner, she makes her way over to Dinah whole drying her hands of with a small hand towel.

"Do you think it's time to put her to bed?" She questions quietly, tossing the towel onto the side once her hands were sufficiently dry while glancing at the small brunette who was curled up on the couch with her blanket and stuffed animal.

Dinah picks up her phone for a second before setting it back down on the table, "Well it's eight thirty, so I guess so yeah. Am I gonna do it or are you?" She asks, looking up at her girlfriend from where she was sat at the table.

She had been sat here for the past ten minutes now, getting herself more up to date with the whole age play aspect. Yes, she knew more than Lauren did and probably didn't need to to the research, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

The green eyed girl sends once last glance into the living room before bringing her attention to Dinah, a small smile playing on her lips, "I think I'll do it tonight. Having us both there will probably make her feel a little overwhelmed" she murmurs in reply, leaning down to place a soft peck onto Dinah's lips before walking into the living room.

She stops in the doorway for a second before fully walking in, taking in the sight of Camila who was curled up on the couch, her eyes drooping as she watches whatever was currently playing on the tv.

She knew this much tv in one day isn't good for a person, but for now she would allow it as this was still so new to all of them and she didn't want to cause any unnecessary tantrums if she was to take away one of the only things keeping the girls attention.

Walking into the living room, she picks up the tv remote from the coffee table and turns the tv off, causing the brunettes attention to go from that to her as she sits up, her brown eyes looking up at her innocently.

"It's time for bed sweetheart" she says gently, holding out her hand. She smiles triumphantly when the girl takes it without a fuss, and she silently thanks herself as she leads the brunette down the hall to her and Dinah's bedroom.

"Hop up on the bed" she murmurs as she releases the girls hand, watching to make sure she does as she's told before heading over to the dresser and pulling out the package of pull-ups.

Now, this was the part she was dreading.

Sighing heavily, she walks back over to the bed and stands next to Camila's legs that were hanging off the side.

"Now, you remember rule number six don't you?" She wonders, bringing her hand up to gently cup the cheek, brushing the pad of her thumb over it soothingly.

Camila nods hesitantly, "I have to wear protection for bed" she recites in a whisper, looking at Lauren.

The green eyed girl nods, "Well done for remembering" she praises, "so, as this is only the first day, I'm gonna let you put it on yourself" she explains as she's rips the package open, pulling out a single pull-up out and handing it to the girl who tentatively takes the offered item.

"I'm going to get you some pyjamas, I'll only be a few minutes okay? Make sure you be a good girl and put that on" she says as she gestures to the pull-up, placing a soft kiss onto the girls forehead before walking out of the room, heading straight to Camila's.

Camila stares down at the padded item in her lap, tracing her thumb hesitantly over the edge of it.

The pull up was pink with purple butterflies on, simple but...cute.

Taking a deep breath, she slides off of the bed, landing on the carpeted floor with a soft thud. For a second, she thinks about defying Lauren, tossing the pull-up into the trash whilst still pretending to have it on, that thought only lasts a few seconds as she knows doing that would get her into some serious trouble.

She really didn't want a time out.

Pulling down her black leggings printed with white stars, she kicks them off to the side, her underwear following. She once again stares down at pull-up, biting her bottom lip with her teeth.

Was she really about to do this?

When she hears Lauren making her way back down the hall, she soon has an answer to her question.

Yes, yes she was about to do this.

Quickly stepping into the padded item, she tugs it up her legs until it was securely sat on her hips. She shifts slightly, tugging at the pull-up as she tries to get herself used to the feeling of not wearing normal underwear, but she only really has a few seconds to think about that as Lauren walks back into the room, pyjamas in hand.

"Good girl" the green eyed girl woman praises when she see's Camila's done as she's told. She walks over to the girl with a small smile on her face, placing her hands underneath her armpits before lifting her onto the edge of the couples bed.

"I'm going to help you put your pyjamas on now, okay?" She warms softly, waiting for the girl to nod in consent before tugging the plain grey hoodie off of her body, dropping it to the floor next to the girls underwear and leggings.

"You're such a good girl Camila" she praises softly as she slides the head of the large shirt over the girls head, helping to guide her arms through the holes before pulling it down her body so it fell to the girls knees.

"Such a good girl" she repeats, smiling gently when a soft blush appears on the small brunettes cheeks.

"Now, why don't we go get you some milk before bedtime yeah?" She coos, gently bopping the girl on the nose before hoisting her up into her arms. She makes sure Camila has tight grip on her blanket for making her way out of the room, humming lightly underneath her breath.

At her words, she notices Camila once again blush, bringing her blanket up to cover her face.

"Oh, you sure are adorable my love" she says with a smile, placing a kiss onto the side of the girls head. When she walks into the living room, she see's Dinah already sat on the couch with what looked to be a bottle of warm milk in her hands.

"Look what Dinah's got for you" she murmurs, gently easing the small girl into her girlfriends arms. She watches with soft eyes as Dinah situates Camila in her arms slightly, a little bewildered that the small girl wasn't fighting.

Camila stares up at Dinah from her position on the woman's lap, her heart beating a hundred miles an hour in her chest. She didn't feel nervous so to speak, just a little overwhelmed at how easy she was taking this.

She expected herself to hate this, to despise the couple in front of her for making her do something so unbelievable, but she didn't feel like that at all. Of course, this was going to take some getting used to, being treated like she was merely two years old when in fact she wasn't, but she didn't mind.

She would take being treated like this everyday for the rest of her life rather than what her life was like before.

When she feels something pressing against her lips, she brings herself out of her thoughts only to be met with Dinah holding the bottle. She hesitates slightly, still a little unsure about everything, but when she see's the soft, trusting look in the women's eyes, she tentatively opens her mouth and allows Dinah to place the nipple of the bottle into her mouth.

It was strange...and for a while she simply lets the nipple of the bottle sit in her mouth.

Once she builds up the courage to actually suckle, she wishes she had done it way sooner. It was last more soothing than she had first imagined, and before she could really think about it too much, she could feel herself falling asleep.

"Is she asleep?" Lauren asks as she walks into the room from the kitchen, a small smile on her face.

Looking up from feeding the girl her bottle, Dinah nods her head, "Yeah. Y'know what, I think this whole things going to be a lot easier than we first thought"


Okay, so the same goes for this chapter! A hundred votes for the next chapter to be posted tomorrow!

Don't forget to tell me what you think!

Damaged (Ageplay) (Completed) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang