Chapter 23

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"Oh baby, it's okay, it's okay, mama's here" Lauren says, panic filling in her voice as she crashes down onto her knees next to Camila's body, paying no mind to the white skinny  jeans she was wearing. Her hands hover above every part of her body in reach, almost as if she was trying to gage where she was hurt and magically fix it.

"What hurts baby?" She asks, "no no, don't move" she murmurs urgently as Camila attempts to shift, her small body still shaking with heartbreaking sobs

"Mama!" Camila wails, taking several panicked deep breaths before letting out another loud, heartbreaking cry.

"I know baby, mama's here. Can you tell her what hurts?" Lauren murmurs, calming her voice down significantly as she knew her panicked tone was doing noting to calm her baby down.

When Camila doesn't answer her and once again tries to move her body, she deems her okay and that it must have just been the fall that scared her. With only a slight bit of reluctance, she places her arms underneath the girls armpits and tugs usher up until she was straddling her lap, her arms wrapping comfortingly around her small, trembling body.

Camila cries in relief at finally being in her mama's arms, her hands fisting the back of her shirt as she's rocked back and forth.

"Shhh baby love, mama's got you, you're okay" Lauren coos, closing her own eyes in relief. She has no idea what she would have done if her baby had been seriously hurt, so in a way, as much as she hated to hear the girls cries, she was glad to hear them instead of silence.

After a while of holding the small brunette close, she gathers her up into arms as she stands up straight, hooking her arms underneath her butt for support. Camila wraps her legs tightly round her waist in return, her hands still fisting her shirt so tightly her knuckles were beginning to turn white.

Once she made sure her baby was comfortable, she turns round in place and see's both Demi and Normani stood together just a few feet away from them, the older woman looking worried and the younger one looking rather apologetic.

"Is she okay?" Demi asks quietly as the two Cubans walk towards her, resting her hand on the younger once's back.

Lauren nods, "Yeah, it just scared her" she replies, "I'm sorry to cut this day short, but I think I need to take her home" she adds hesitantly, not wanting either one to be mad.

Thankfully, Demi nods understandably, "of course, that's totally okay"

After saying a quick goodbye to the two and reassuring Normani that it wasn't her fault, Lauren makes her way to her car, ignoring the burning in her arms for the simple fact putting Camila down was not an option, especially when she could still feel tears dripping onto her neck.

"It's okay baby" she coos, pulling the car keys out of her pocket. She makes quick work of unlocking the car and so the tears didn't start up properly again, she slides herself into the backseat with Camila on her lap before closing the door behind them both.

They sit in silence for a while, Lauren still holding her baby close and Camila clutching onto her mama with everything she has in her. Both know that this incident will stop any park trips for a while, but Lauren knew that was probably for the best.

She didn't want another incident like last time after all.

"Alright, lets give you a quick change and then we'll go home to mommy" she says after a few minutes, tugging Camila's upper body away from her so she could see her face. It was still red, covered in tears and snot, and Lauren guesses a mixture of that was still on her shirt.

She couldn't find it in her to complain though.

Her bottom lip was still quivering and her eyes were still filled with tears showing that she could still burst into tears at anytime.

Damaged (Ageplay) (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now