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"Do you think she'll agree?" Lauren asks her girlfriend of two years, Dinah, nervously as she bites her bottom lip with her teeth.

She was stood on the small balcony of their apartment, leaning against the railing as she looked over the city. It was night time here in New York, causing the stars and the streetlights to shine brightly and stand out against everything more than it normally would.

Lauren did this most nights actually, sometimes by herself, sometimes with Dinah; it gave her some time to think about anything and everything, and plus, the view was beautiful.

She smiles when she feels a strong pair of arms wrap round her waist, hands linking together on her stomach, "I doubt it, but she really isn't going to have a choice" the voice of her girlfriend speaks, her hot breath tickling her neck causing goosebumps to rise on her skin.

Lauren sighs.

"She's gonna hate us" she murmurs, glancing back at Dinah just in time to see her girlfriend frown slightly at her words.

Dinah sighs and presses a gentle kiss to the green eyed girls cheek, "She won't hate us, she may dislike us for a while but that's about it." She tries to explain, rocking both herself and Lauren side to side slightly, a subtle, but knowing way of comforting her girlfriend.

Lauren nods her head softly after thinking about for a second, bringing her attention back to to looking outside. She guesses Dinah's right, there wasn't really anything else they could do.

You see, this whole living arrangement thing with Camila was fine at first, amazing even, they all got along well and barely ever got into arguments or disputes, they never had to deal with any underage drinking and the best bit, they had made an amazing friend, but as of lately, that's changed, a lot.

They knew Camila wasn't a child, and they knew she was more than capable of looking after herself like the nineteen year old she was, but there was only so much of the backtalk, the drinking and coming home wasted, the refusal of looking after herself that the couple could take before they hit their breaking points.

They had both discussed many options to try and resolve the issue, they'd tried talking to her, explaining their worries but it had just gone through one ear and out the other. There wasn't exactly much else they could do to discipline her as she wasn't a child, so that's when Dinah came up with a solution.

Age play.

At first, Lauren was way against it, claiming that it would never work as Camila was too stubborn, but then Dinah did more research, google, tumblr, and found out that it was a common thing that many people did, and she eventually managed to get the green eyed to agree.

And that brought them to now. October 23rd, 2017.

Once again, Camila was out with her so called friends doing god knows what, and they were just waiting for her to come back home so they could put there 'plan' into action.

Lauren was a little nervous to say the least, nervous that Camila would hate them, nervous that she would fight like hell until they had no choice but to stop, but she knew she couldn't back out now.

Not with all the weeks of planning and getting everything ready.

The slamming of the front door was what brought them out of their thoughts, and they both sent each other a knowing look.

It was time.

Lauren takes her girlfriends hand in hers and makes her way back inside the apartment, quietly closing the siding door behind them and locking it with a soft click.

It was now, or never.

This is short for a reason, I just wanted to give you guys a small sneak peak before I write the actual first chapter.

By the way, this isn't going to be forced age play. You'll see where I'm going with it when I post the first chapter. 🙃

Don't forget to vote and tell me what you think!

Damaged (Ageplay) (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now