Chapter 22 - Free!

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The Darker Side Of The Moon
Book 4 of The Black Moon series
Chapter 22: Free!

Jeremy's POV - Monday 10 August 2015

"Are you alright, Kitten?" Andrei asks in his softest voice, full of concern.

How dare he?

How dare he ask such a question when he should know the answer already? Isn't it obvious? Isn't it clear enough that I am not alright?

Seriously? What was your first clue, you jackass!?

For crying out loud, there have been like a ton of them! Has he finally gathered that the humidity on my cheeks are not tears of joy? Did he suddenly get that I am not happy with him? There is so much he should understand!

I am here against my fucking will!

I never asked for this life of sexual slavery. I was happy with what I had before! I had a joyful life, with a job I adored, lots of friends and a man I loved more than anything. A man to whom I was about to confess my love. And that bastard had to ruin everything. He clearly has no idea how much I hate him, though he probably wouldn't care. In his defense, I never told him in his face. I'm too much of a coward for that; too scared he might use the whip again, and I know he has one here with him.

All the same, all these tears I shed every day should be enough for him to understand that I'm not alright. Thinking that I was so close to freedom only three weeks ago only adds to my pain. I swear that fate must have had a grudge against me, it's not possible otherwise. I am now stuck with three captors in a log cabin that barely has any commodities. From what I understood, it belongs to one of Vadim's uncles who used to come here for fishing weekends with friends in the numerous water streams and lakes that cover the Superior National Forest. We are far from any comfort here. Even the basement of the mansion was better equipped and more comfortable!

At least, it wasn't so warm back there. Being semi-underground, it remained fresh during the warm days, but here, it's just unbearable. Despite all the trees, the temperature rises under the sun and with four men inside this small cabin, it only gets worse. And that's one of the issues I am facing now. Oh, it's a silly one and so minor compared to my other problems that I feel shameful for giving it so much importance when I shouldn't really care. However, this itching has become so annoying that I just can't help whimpering at the disagreeable sensation and the pain it enhances.

The thing is that I am allowed outside the cabin only every three or four days, and it's just to go to the closest water stream to clean up. Andrei doesn't trust me enough and he's scared I'm going to flee. Well, I definitely would if I could, but with three men watching over me while I bath in the river, there's not much I can attempt.

Between the lack of hygiene and the terrible heat of the past week which makes me sweat a lot, I am beginning to have some sort of allergic reaction to the cock cage. This is also due to the fact that I have been wearing the same sweatpants ever since we left the mansion and unfortunately, I can't resolve myself to get rid of them.

Oh, Andrei would probably like that, but I have lived naked for most of the last year and a half and I don't want to give up on this small bit of privacy I have gained. Especially as I spend the better part of the day on a dirty wooden floor or tied to a bed. Until now, I haven't complained, but the itching has become so unbearable that I can no longer contain my tears and I guess my sobs must have been different than what they usually are since he noticed my discomfort.

"Kitten?" Andrei growls threateningly in my ear, snuggling closer to me on the bed. "Tell me what's wrong so that I can help you as best as I can!"

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