Chapter Thirty One

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The castle is eerily quiet as we walk down and we don't break the silence with conversation. The portraits down here are empty - the occupants clearly seeking safety during the conflict. As we turn into one of the corridors, Harry stops as he sees Ron and Hermione sat in a small alcove, their faces close. For a long moment Harry just watches them, then Hermione looks up. Instantly, she springs up and runs over to us.

"Where've you two been?" Hermione asks.

"We thought you'd gone to the forest," Ron says, following her over, "we thought you might be -"

"I'm going there now," Harry interrupts quietly and Ron explodes.

"Are you mad! No!"

"It's ... meant to be," is the only answer Harry can give.

"Rubbish!" Ron dismisses. "You can't just give yourself up to him -"

Hermione squeezes Ron's arm, sensing more. "What is it, Harry? What is it you know?"

"There's a reason I can ... hear them - the Horcruxes." Hermione begins to shake her head, not wanting to believe. "Sophie figured it out ages ago but I didn't want to believe it."

"I'll go with you. I'll -" She falters hopelessly as a single tear traces her cheek. Harry reaches out and wipes it away.

"Kill the snake," Harry says gently. "Kill the snake and then it's just him. Then it will be over."

"But you're going with him?" Ron asks me, frowning. "How does that work out?"

"Hermione is right - someone needs to be with him. It doesn't matter if I die - I've got no one to go back to, and I can't help you kill the snake. But I help him do this."

Ron doesn't look happy, but he nods. He claps an arm around Harry and they embrace briefly before Harry and I walk away.

A short way down the stairs, we find Neville watching an older boy carry a young third year over his shoulder in a fireman's lift to the Great Hall. He's too young. As Neville goes to pick up a second body, Harry approaches him.

“Neville," he says and Neville jerks upright in suprise.

“Blimey, Harry, you nearly gave me heart failure!” He cries before narrowing his eyes in suspicion.
“Where are you going?”

“It’s all part of the plan,” Harry replies. “There’s someting I’ve got to do. Listen - Neville -"

“Harry!” Neville looks suddenly scared. “Harry, you’re not thinking of handing yourself over?”

“No,” Harry lies easily. “’Course not ... this is something else. But I might be out of sight for a while." I watch him curiously. What's he doing? "You know Voldemort’s snake, Neville? He’s got a huge snake ... calls it Nagini ...”

“I’ve heard, yeah..." he trails off in confusion. "What about it?”

“It’s got to be killed. Ron and Hermione know that, but just in case they -" He can't finish, the possibility of something happening to the other two hitting him hard. That's why he wants this to end - to sacrifice himself before anyone else has to die. He's setting Neville up to replace him when he's gone. Harry collects himself before continuing. “Just in case they’re - busy - and you get the chance -"

“Kill the snake?”

“Kill the snake,” Harry confirms.

“All right, Harry." Neville still looks suspicious. "You’re okay, are you?”

“I’m fine. Thanks, Neville.” Neville isn't convinced this time and seizes Harry's wrist as he goes to move on.

“We’re all going to keep fighting, Harry. You know that?”

Sophia Holmes and the Search for Horcruxes (Harry Potter Fanfic) *Completed*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora