Chapter Eight

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I spend the next few days reading every book Hermione has on Horcruxes in order to glean some idea on how to destroy them. Unfortunately all they do is explain how to make them - some in very explicit detail - and list known owners of Horcruxes and why they are a bad idea.

My concentration isn't helped by Ron who insists on fidling with the radio. The problem is we're so out of the way that he can't get any signal so we spend the entire time listening to the crackle of static which is slowly driving me insane. Harry has already told Ron several times to shut up so I can work but he hasn't been very responsive. It won't be long before Ron gives in.

As I close the last book, I get up and move outside where Harry and Hermione have gone to get out of the way of Ron and the radio. As I sit wordlessly down beside Harry I notice him turning a mirror shard over in his fingers and I catch sight of an elderly man for a moment before he disappears again. That's odd. I look up to Harry to see if he noticed as well but he's looking down at Hermione who is collecting flowers a little distance away. She looks up and sees him looking so she smiles and waves at us before continuing.

Harry looks back down at the mirror just as the radio spits static particularly loudly and I grimace. Harry looks over at him, looking annoyed, but holds his tongue for now.

He feels subconsciously for the locket and studies the fissures in it's metal skin. Suddenly, he gasps in pain, the locket falling from his hand and dangling loose.

"Harry?" I say, shaking him slightly. My tone catches Hermione’s attention and she drops the flowers she was collecting and runs back towards us.

"He gets these visions of what Voldemort is doing," Hermione explains, crouching down beside him. Harry begins to twitch and twist. "There's nothing we can do to pull him out, we just have to wait it out."

A couple moments later his eyes flutter open in panic.

"I thought it had stopped," she says but Harry looks at her and shakes his head. "You can’t let him in, Harry. Dumbledore himself said it. You have to close your mind. It’s too dangerous -"

"It’s not a candle I can blow out, Hermione," Harry retorts. "It always burns, even if it’s just a flicker. Can you understand that?"

This brings me to think about our discussion in Grimmauld Place about him being a potential Horcrux. The link to Voldemort is clear and the circumstances it happened were perfect. But if it's true, it would seem he doesn't know.

"Tell me," I press. "What you saw."

"He’s found him. Vol-" he stops himself quickly. "You-Know-Who.  He’s found Gregorovitch -"

"The wandmaker?" Hermione questions, frowning.

"Yes," Harry says, suprised. "How’d you know?"

"Viktor got his wand from Gregorovitch," she explains, these names meaning nothing to me. "Most Durmstrang students did at one time.  What’s he got to do with You-Know-Who?"

"You-Know-Who wants something Gregorovitch once had - dunno what. But he’s desperate to have it. It’s as if his life depends on it."

I study Harry, taking this in until the radio squawks from within the tent and I grit my teeth. Harry's eyes flare and he starts to speak until Hermione stops him.

"Don’t - It... comforts him."

"Well it sets my teeth on edge," Harry replies, bitterly. "What’s he expecting to hear? Good news?"

"I think he just hopes he doesn’t hear bad news," Hermione responds. "It gets him through the day."

"And what gets you through the day?" Harry asks her gently and Hermione blinks back something - is that loss?

"We’ve all made sacrifices, Harry," she replies quietly and Harry eyes her expressionlessly before nodding towards the tent.

"How long before he can travel?"

"I don’t know," Hermione shakes her head. "It takes time. I’m doing all I can."

"You’re not doing enough," Harry yells and I stand between them.

"Hey, that's enough!" I say, facing Harry. "Take it off." I point to the locket around his neck before repeating myself again, firmer. "Take it off. Now." Harry glares at me and takes the locket off and as soon as the chain is over his head, there is a kind of release and he calms. "Better?"

"Loads," Harry nods, handing me the locket. I turn it over in my hands and frown.

"It’s cold," I voice. "Even though it’s been lying against your skin for days." Harry looks troubled as he looks at the locket so I try to reassure him. "We’ll take turns. Okay?" He nods slightly and I slip it over my neck. As it rests against my chest, I can feel the presence of the Horcrux entering me like an infection. This is such a bad idea.

Sophia Holmes and the Search for Horcruxes (Harry Potter Fanfic) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now