Chapter Twenty Four

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Neville leads the us down the passage towards Hogwarts, the dark tunnel lit by the small glow from everyone's wands.

"I don't remember this being on the Marauder's Map," Ron says as we walk.

"That's because it never existed till now," Neville explains. "The seven secret passages were sealed off before the start of the year. This is the only way in or out now. The grounds are crawling with Death Eaters and Dementors."

"How bad is it, Neville?" Hermione asks softly. "With Snape as Headmaster."

"Hardly ever see him," Neville admits. "It's the Carrows you have to watch out for."

"The Carrows?" Harry asks.

"Brother and sister. They're in charge of discipline. Like punishment, the Carrows." Neville points to a gash on his face to prove the point.

"They did that to you?" I ask. "But why?"

"Today's Dark Arts lesson had us practicing the Cruciatus Curse. On First Years." I widen my eyes in horror. "I refused. Hogwarts has changed." We exchange shocked glances but Neville grins. "Aw, c'mon. Don't be grim. We're all used to it by now. And the thing is, it helps when people stand up, gives everyone hope. I used to notice that when you did it, Harry. C'mon, we're almost there."

Neville leads us up a short flight of stone steps to a door and pausrs, looking back. "Let's have a bit of fun, shall we?" he whispers before turning and pushing open the door. "Hey! Listen up, you lot! I've brought you a surprise!"

"Not more of Aberforth's cooking, I hope," an Irish voice replies in jest. "Be a surprise if we could digest it."

Neville looks back at us and jerks his head toward the open door. Harry, Ron and Hermione step forward into the light and I remain behind with Neville.

"Blimey...." the Irish voice says after a moment of shocked silence. Then, voices explode and madness ensues as the trio is swallowed up in a scrum of backslaps and handshakes. Neville steps down and helps me jump down from the portrait hole and into a room decorated to look like a homely tree house. Luna comes over, the only familiar face in the crowd, and smiles.

"It's nice to see you again, Sophia," Luna says and I return the smile.

"You too, Luna."

Neville leans down to a boy - no older than a second year - and whispers. "Get the word out to Remus and the others that Harry's back."

The boy nods, and scrambles over to a battered radio. As it crackles to life he leans close and speaks into it. "River, DA calling. Do you read? We have a new weather report: Lightning has struck. I repeat, lightning has struck..."

"Okay, okay!" Neville cries as the curfuffle continues. "Stand down! Let's not kill them before You-Know-Who gets the chance!" As they settle, more eyes land on me as they notice an addition to the trio. "Right then. What's the plan, Harry?"

Harry gazes out over the expectant faces in the room. I was right - these are just kids, half dead already. Their eyes are hollow, their bodies broken and they look at us with almost a palpable desire for hope. Finally, he speaks. "Okay. There's something we need to find, something hidden here in the castle. It could help us defeat You-Know-Who."

"What is it?" Neville asks.

Harry glances at me and I nod. "We think it might be Ravenclaw's Diadem."

"Where is it?" someone asks.

"We don't know," Harry admits. A confused murmer fills the room. "I realize it's not much to go on..."

"That's nothing to go on," the Irish boy says and Harry falters.

"It's lost," an Asian girl says. "For centuries now. There's not a person alive today who's seen it." The Ravenclaws around her nod in agreement.

Just then, quick footsteps sound outside and we all tense, expecting a warning of danger. Instead, a girl appears atop the far staircase. She stops, staring at Harry. She's like a female version of Ron: tall and skinny but with long straight hair in the same vibrant ginger. This must be Ginny, Ron's sister.

"Harry," she says in suprise.

"Hey there," Harry says awkwardly and I realise he has feelings for her which must break every one of these so called 'bro codes'.

Ron smiles, about to speak, then notices Ginny's eyes have not left Harry. He frowns and leans down to me.

"Six months she hasn't seen me and it's like I'm Frankie First Year," he says, put out, and I grin. "I mean, I'm only her brother."

"Got loads of those, though, doesn't she?" The Irish boy says with a grin. "There's only one Harry."

"Shut up, Seamus," Ron shoots back.

"What is it, Ginny?  Neville asks, stepping forward as he realises something is wrong.

"Snape knows," she says, finally drawing her eyes away from Harry. "He knows that Harry was spotted in Hogsmeade."

Sophia Holmes and the Search for Horcruxes (Harry Potter Fanfic) *Completed*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat