My New Friends - Ian Keaggy and Maggie Eckford

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Walking down the street of San Diego, California, I can't help but wonder why famous people never come around. You always read stories of celebrities in LA and stuff, but never San Diego.

Anywho, I get to work at A tiny little music store down the beach where not a lot of people are. Most people stop about halfway down the beach, and I'm at the far end.

Amanda, my boss, greets me before saying, "today's been pretty slow, don't forget to lock up when you leave!" tossing me the keys. The thing about Amanda is that she is both the best and worst boss ever. Me and her are the only people that work here, and she always leaves as soon as I get here, so I get to run things the way I want it.

Since not a lot of people come around this end of the beach, I was surprised to hear some people playing music. Not music blasting from a car stereo or boom box, but live music.

I open the curtain/door/thing, and look around for the source of the music.

About 50 feet away, I see a vaguely familiar man and woman sitting on the wall. He is playing guitar and deeply harmonizing her sweet voice.

I get a little closer and just listen to the ever so familiar song. After a moment I realize that it's Maggie Eckford and Ian Keaggy. I have been a fan of Maggie's and of Ian's former band Hot Chelle Rae for a really long time.

I get closer and Ian notices me and stops playing, cueing Maggie to stop singing and turn towards me as well.

"Sorry, were we annoying you? We can move," Ian says, gathering their things.

"Oh, no! You're not annoying at all! It was actually beautiful..." I say.

"Really?" Maggie asks.

I respond, "Yeah, I've been a fan for a while, and people don't normally come down this far, so I figured I'd see who was out here."

"Oh, well, we came here because it's a beautiful day and, like you said, no one comes down here," Ian says.

"Yeah, it's always pretty quiet at this end. Were you singing What Are We Waiting For?" I question the couple.

"Yeah it was. You know my stuff?" Maggie asks excitedly.

I sit down on the wall with them. "Yeah I've been a fan for a while. I really like your music. I even sang Show and Tell at an open mic night a while back."

Looking surprised, in unison, they say, "REALLY? Sing for us!"

"Oh no, I couldn't, I'm not much of a singer, just an amateur." I say, heart beat quickening.

"Please? Ian says with those puppy dog eyes. I couldn't say no to that. I sang the chorus of the song and they applauded.

"Wow, you're really good," Maggie compliments, "what's your name?"


"Well, Brook, I like your voice," Ian says, "I'm going to give you my agents card. I wanna see what he can do with getting you on backup for us. You good with that?" He asks, reaching into his wallet for a business card.

"Are you kidding? That would be amazing!" I exclaim, taking the card.

Maggie speaks next, "Coolio. I like you. You wanna hang out for a while?"

I was about to say 'Maggie Eckford wants to hang out with me? I have to say yes!!' But then I remembered.... I am still working. "I'd love to, but I am actually supposed to be at work right now..."

"Oh, then let me give you my number and we can hang later, Kay?"

"Awesome thank you so much!"

I just made friends with Ian and Maggie. I think I'm exploding inside.

Imagines/One Shots/Blurbs (Bands/Youtubers)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant