i have questions

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i've actually got so many questions for her:

how did you make it through high school and just life? she went through hell. she had an abusive marriage before my dad and she was homeless with two kids. i don't know how she did it.

would you accept me unlike my dad? i'm scared to be the way i am just because of what my dad says everytime homosexuality is brought up, which is that we're all going to hell. and my step mom is just as bad. i feel like my mom would accept me if she was still here.

there's more but that's all i'm saying. my mom would actually really care about my mental health and not just look over it like my dad. she helped my brother get through depression. she found him with a box cutter jammed in his wrest one day, and helped him. and never told my dad because she knew he would never understand and would mostly be mad at him. she hid so much from him for our benefit. and now that doesn't happen anymore.

please appreciate your moms. once they're gone you don't realize what you actually lost.

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