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For those of you who don't know, my mom is dead. You need to know that before my little rant.

Okay I'm already irritated enough today cause I have so much homework but I had to go to a life group today for church. Well the pastor for our group said "You can sign this and hand it to your mom-". She stopped talking while I just stared in front of me. Then she laughs. She fucking laughs. "I'm sorry haha I need a nap. I know there's no offensive but haha." Uh yes there is an offense m8. My mom is dead. She's not the damn woman who married my dad four months ago whose sitting beside me. Then she started talking about how we've all lost people. "You've lost you mom-" and she grabs my fucking arm. No I don't want me to be touched, that's the thing about these people. They think we don't care.

"And they've passed – well no they moved haha." Bitch. Please. My mom didn't fucking go on a four year trip to the damn Bahamas, she's  d e a d. 6 feet under, stone cold, dead. I do believe in heaven but damn, she's gone. Stop sugar coating it man. Maybe I'm over reacting but I'm pissed. I don't take this stuff lightly. When my friends say jokingly "your mom" and they correct themselves cause they forget it's me they're talking to, I don't care bc they forgot. The pastor woman knew and corrected her but laughed and took it lightly. That's really the reason why I'm mad, okay?

Well I'm done ranting. Peace.

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