Morgan kidnaps Harry Hook

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Harry Hook POV

I've only been on the Isle for about an hour and now I'm starting to have a feeling I'm going down a wrong path.

At first I was happy I'll be able to have a second chance and now I blow up my chances and back on the Isle of the Lost.

I was walking to the alley walking to the Uma's ship. I walk out and I see no one was there and I walked across the bridge walking towards the ship. I sigh and I looked around knowing how much I missed this place, and miss my captain, and my crew.

"Well, look who is here at my ship."

I turn around, and I see Morgan, standing across the other side of the bridge, having her arms, smiling.

"Actually lass, its yer cousin Uma's ship." I said, facing her.

"Well, now its mine." Morgan said, walking across the bridge and stands in front of me.

"You know Hooky," Moran started. "ever since you and Uma left to go Auradon, your crew was very disappointed when they heard their own captain disappeared and her own first mate wanted to be good and stay in Auradon."

I looked at Morgan and she patted my cheek, lightly. Morgan smiles and responded.

"That's not all, I was very disappointed my own boyfriend left me." Morgan said.

"I'm not your boyfriend anymore, Morgan." I growled at her

"Oh please, I know you love me still, and I know Heidi is not and never will be yours." Morgan said

I looked at Morgan and I stayed quiet, knowing she is now to the point about me and Heidi.

"And I know you had a crush on her, even when the both of us started dating. How? Let's just say my cousin and your buddy have such a big mouth." Morgan said, as her tone started getting angry.

"Heidi and I are not on good terms, Harry, and you know that."

"I know that, so are me and Heidi." I said, raising my voice a bit.

Morgan looks at me, with her eyes widened a bit.

"Really? So u and my archenemy are not on good terms? Well that is a surprise. I really thought you would try and force her to love you or something." Morgan jokes.

"Alright, what do you want, Morgan? You don't come here and try to chat with me." I said, looking at my hook.

"Oh, well, Heidi's brother, Hadie." Morgan said, and I looked at her confused.

"You know, Hadie, son of Hades obviously, the one that teased you calling you codfish Jr. just like your dad since Captain Hook was a little of a codfish." Morgan said.

"Oh yes, I remember. I also called him 'sir smokey'." I said, remembering who Hadie was.

Hadie and I used to be 'buddy buddy', but when we both had different crews, Hadie with actually against Heidi and Hadie would always agree whatever Morgan says and I would sometimes agree with Heidi but I was actually on Uma's side at that time. The other reason why Hadie and I decided not to be friends anymore was when he found out I liked Heidi, his own little sister, the one he loves to argue with.

"Yeah, that one was pretty good when his hair was in flames." Morgan smirks.

"Yeah, and what about Hadie?" I asked her.

"Oh, he actually saw Heidi here, on the Isle, even the other VKs were here along with her." Morgan said, rolling her eyes a bit.

My eyes widened when she said Heidi was here.

"So, I have something I have to deal with." Morgan said, giving me a sly smirk.

"And what's that?" I said, giving her a confused look.

Morgan hummed and then she snapped her fingers and then I felt two hands on both of my sides and I realized two of Morgan's pirates grabbed me I started struggling to get out of their grips.

"Hey! Let me go!" I yelled

Morgan smirks and she walks up to me and takes my hook away from me.

"Morgan! What are you doing?!" I yelled

"Let's just say I'm gonna get what I want. Revenge." Morgan smiles.

She snaps her fingers again and one of them hit me the back of my head and I was knocked out.

Daughter of Morgana vs. Daughter of HadesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora