Fire vs. Water

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No One's POV

The VKs took out their swords and Morgan commanded the pirates to come after the VKs, which they are. Ginny and Quinn swing the ropes towards the VKs and the two girls jumped off the ropes and went after the other two girls, Mal and Evie.

Ginny swing her sword at Mal and Mal clashed her sword against Ginny's sword.

"So, Mal, how is Benny Boo doing at Auradon?" Ginny smirked.

"He is doing fine. I'm glad your not on the list to get a second chance." Mal said, making Ginny swing her sword at Mal.

Quinn swings her sword at Evie and Evie blocked it with her sword and their swords started clashing to one another.

"Let's dance, Evie." Quinn smiled.

"Bring it on." Evie said, and their swords started clashing against each other.

Anthony jumped in front of Jay and smiled.

"Hello Jay. Well, well, well." Anthony smiled, making Jay smile back and gripping his sword.

Morgan, Hadie, and Gil stayed side by side, while the rest of the pirates go attack the other VKs. Heidi and Uma dodge at the pirates swings and attacks. Morgan looks Gil and nods her head and Gil smiled and goes to the ropes and swings himself towards Harry.

"Hey, Harry." Gil laughed, taking out his sword.

"Gil, my buddy." Harry chuckled a bit, and swinging his sword back at Gil.

Morgan and Hadie look at each other and they look back at Heidi and Uma. Hadie and Morgan spinned their sword and Uma and Heidi take out their swords and Morgan spins her sword and walks up to Uma. Heidi walks up to her brother, Hadie. Hadie smiles at Heidi and responded.

"Well well well, my little sister is now going up against me, her older brother." Hadie smiled at Heidi.

Morgan charged at Uma and started swinging her sword at her and their swords started clashing their swords and they now became face to face.

"My little cousin now making a stand." Morgan smiled at Uma.

"Shut up and fight me!" Uma barked at Morgan and pushed her sword back.

Hadie swing his sword at Heidi and he spinned around and hit his sword at Heidi's. Gil kept hitting his sword at Harry's and Harry kicked Gil in the gut, making him stumble back.

"Gil, come on buddy, I thought we were friends." Harry said, making a fake pout.

"Look, Harry, I don't have a choice, I want to go to Auradon with you guys but I can't." Gil said, standing down and putting his sword away.

"You can come to Auradon with us Gil, you could just switch sides." Harry said. "Come on Gil, come to Auradon with me and Uma, and the three of us could be a crew again."

Gil smiled at Harry and responded.

"Okay." Gil said.

Harry smiled back and Gil and Harry ran off to fight the rest of Morgan's pirates.

Anthony swing his sword at Jay and Jay dodges it and hits his sword at Anthony and Anthony kicks Jay but only hits a wooded pole and Jay punch him on his side, making Anthony hit the ground and making Jay chuckled.

"Guess two out of three." Jay smiled, and he ran off.

Morgan kept swinging her sword so hard at Uma and Morgan yell from anger and kept clashing her sword with Uma's. Heidi back flip from Hadie jumped and swing his sword at Heidi. Heidi blocked his attack and kicked him in the stomach. Hadie smiled and then responded.

"Gesh sister, when will you ever learn. You may have been the baddest of them all, but not the evilest of them off." Hadie smiled.

Heidi gritted her teeth and swing her sword at Hadie and Hadie yelped and then blocked it. Heidi looked at the fight with the VKs and the pirates and so far, the VKs are winning, barley. Heidi gave Hadie a slice on the his arm, giving Hadie a cut on his arm. Hadie hiss from the pain and Heidi ran off to help Uma.

"Hey, Morgan." Heidi smiled at her.

Morgan turns around to look at Heidi but Heidi kicked Morgan so hard, making Morgan fell into the water. Uma and Heidi looked over to see Morgan and Hadie jumped overboard to save Morgan then they looked at each other.

"Uma, we have to go, now." Heidi said, putting her sword away.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Uma said

Uma and Heidi ran towards Mal and Evie since they escaped from Ginny's and Quinn's attacks.

"Heidi, there is no time, we got to go!" Mal said to Heidi.

"That's why we are all leaving now." Heidi said, nodding.

Mal, Uma, Evie, and Heidi ran towards Jay and Carlos.

"Jay, go grab the car!" Evie said to Jay.

"Alright, let's go!" Jay said, running towards the tunnel with Evie and Mal following behind.

"Gil! Harry!" Heidi yelled for the two boys and they nodded and ran towards them.

Hadie and Morgan come out of the water and they stand up and Morgan pushed Hadie a bit.

"Heidi's mine!" Morgan said to him, and runs towards the VKs with Hadie following behind her.

Jay, Mal, Evie, and Gil run to the tunnel to go to the limo but Harry, Heidi, Carlos, and Uma were behind.

"Heidi!" Carlos yelled for Heidi. "Behind you!"

Heidi turns around and Morgan swings her sword again at Heidi and Heidi quickly takes out her sword and blocks Morgan's attack.

"Come on, Heidi! We are finishing this once and for all!" Morgan yelled at Heidi.

Heidi glared at Morgan and started swinging her sword. Harry was about to run to the tunnel but was block by Anthony.

"Hello!" Anthony said with smiled, and Harry swings her sword at Anthony.

Anthony and Harry have their swords clashing to one another. Carlos was about to help Harry but was unfortunately in the way by Hadie.

"So, you must be the dog prince dating my sister!" Hadie laughed, and their swords started clashing to one another.

Morgan spinned around and Heidi kicked Morgan on her side, making Morgan hit the wooded railing. Heidi runs to the tunnel and Carlos kicked Hadie on the gut and runs after Heidi to the tunnel. Carlos kicks a barrel at Anthony making Anthony loose his focus and get punch in the face by Harry and Harry started running to the tunnel and Uma runs behind Harry and they run to the tunnel. Morgan stomps towards the bridge and Hadie stands next to her and Quinn, Ginny, and Anthony stayed behind them.

Heidi takes down the bridge and smiles at them. Morgan smile as angry at them as Carlos, Harry, and Uma run to limo and Heidi staying right there, chuckled at Morgan.

Hadie, Ginny, Quinn, and Anthony:

Hey yeah!
Oh yeah!
Hey yeah!


Remember me for centuries!!!

Morgan pointed her sword at Heidi and shakes her head at Heidi. Heidi sigh and walks away from Morgan.

"No! Ugh!" Morgan yelled, and pushes pass some of the pirates.

"Get out of my way!" Morgan yelled.

Heidi runs out of the tunnel and Carlos grabs Heidi's swords and puts it in the truck and Mal shuts the car truck and goes to the passengers seat with Jay at the front. Heidi and Carlos gets inside the limo where the others were at and Jay drives us out of the alley to barrier.

Daughter of Morgana vs. Daughter of HadesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα