I have to find my mate!!! (2)

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Dedicated to: jpipkin

Ethan's P.O.V <3

        I will start my senior year tomorrow and I'm really nervous my mom signed me up the day after we got here. I start tomorrow and I got everything ready oh... and tomorrow I meet the rest of the pack and will officially join them for I'am an outsider but since my mom is from here they are accepting us.

        Right now I'm eating breakfast with my family and let me tell you they are great these last three days we have been getting to know each other and I love them already.

        The rest of my family from both my mom and dads side will be coming today to the house because they know I'm here and I guess they want to meet me. I finish eating so I head upstairs for a shower....

        When I'm out and ready I hear a lot of whispering so I start heading downstairs when I reach the last step I hear everyone quite down as I look around I see face's that are new to me but look so much like mine my mom and dads.

         one by one I met everybody. my mom has two older brothers, Kyle he has a mate named Jade and two little twin boys who are four years old and are named Jayden and Aiden, then theirs Michael who has a mate named Sophia and a daughter my age and let me tell you me and Madison hit it off instantly she's great and really nice.

          I met a lady named Emma who started crying when I looked at her, she ran up to me and gave me a bone crushing hug she wept  and when she pulled back she told me she was my fathers twin sister. I also met my other pair of grandparents Olivia and Anthony.

         Tables were set outside in the backyard and the burgers, hot dogs, and steaks were almost ready, so me and Madison pulled a blanket outside and laid it under a tree that gave us shade.

           She told me that she had a car and a license so she would love to drive me to school tomorrow so I wont feel so lonely so I said okay and then she started telling me that more than half the people in this town are wolfs and that I would love it here.

          The food was ready so we ate and when we finished we decided to go for a run so my wolf could get used to the forest and  so I can map it out in my mind and never get lost.

         We went our separate ways and hid behind some tree's so we could undress and shift into our wolfs. I finished undressing and  asked  my body to change and it did I felt my bones crack and get into place.

            I felt free when I was in my wolf form and I loved it  I was a magnificent white wolf, I started walking out when I noticed a reddish brown wolf walk towards me I knew it was Maddy because of her grey eyes.

           I heard a twig break and we turned toward the noise when a gray wolf with white spots came out he was huge, my wolf felt threatened so I growled at it but Maddy bowed her head at the gray wolf, she walked  back to the tree where she changed and when she came back she was in her human form dressed.

            "Ethan it's my father Michael he just came to check up on me, but he saw I wasn't alone so he asked who the wolf next to me was?, but I told him it was you and now they want you to change back so we can all talk about this."

         I ran towards the tree that had my clothes and I changed as fast as I could but Maddy and uncle Michael weren't there so I went towards the house, nobody was outside and it was scaring me so I ran inside and there they were, everybody had a frightened expression on there faces.

        My mother had a tight smile on her face as if she was faking it, she patted the seat next to her and I took it. "There has never been a white wolf... I've only heard of one in the.... " uncle Kyle didn't finish speaking he just stared between me and my mom.

       "The reason we rarely took runs was because rouges would have found you and kidnapped you Ethan!"

        "I couldn't let that happen to you so I hid you ....I.I was hoping yo..you wouldn't want to run at all." said my mother as tears ran down her face and it scared me!

        My life is in danger and the only one that can truly protect me is my Mate but I don't know if I can love my mate if she's a girl or if we will survive! I don't know when I'm going to find out if I'm stuck forever with a man or a woman, it could be days, weeks, months, years, or never.

Ahh i feel so giddy my second chapter sorry for the mistakes pleeze vote love yall!!<3

will my mate accept me?? (boyxboy) on hold - till further noticeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz