XIII- Exhale the bad

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XIII- Exhale the bad

1 April 2015
Dear Diary
Another week's past and it was as dreary as ever. Spending time with my cousins have surely lightened my dampened mood.
Adam's been avoiding me. Not that I expected anything to happen after we finished the assignment (which we received a well deserved B on) , but when he see's me it's as if a switch is flipped and he turns around walking the other direction.
I haven't received another detestable text in the mean time, but I know it's probably due to my lack of interaction with Adam. Maybe it's for the better. After all this R.W person only screams trouble.

Lia x

Adelia closes and secures her diary before placing it back on her desk. It's Friday afternoon and she's home alone for the time being. Her mother alongside her aunt and both her cousins decided to go bowling for the night, her father even decided to tag along. Adelia not feeling up to the whole family event decided to stay at home with the excuse of her needing to catch up on some school work. Felix on the other hand was staying at a 'friend's' house but by the truce between the both of them she knew he was most likely out partying.

Lia turned off the music in her room and headed down stairs in an attempt to catch up on some of her long forgotten series she had on record. Grabbing a blanket from the hallway closet she decided to make herself a bowl of popcorn and a scorching cup of tea. After all her arrangements were made she made herself comfortable on the sofa. Flicking through the recording, tea in hand, she decided on watching season 6 of Supernatural, knowing a binge watch was exactly what she needed.

Around her fourth episode the dainty tune of bell jingling went of signaling that Adelia had an incoming call.  Looking at the caller ID she was surprised to see Adam's name plastered on the screen. Not knowing whether or not it was an April fool's prank or not she decided to answer it.

"Hello?" Adelia said as she held the phone to her ear, placing down her cup of tea in the mean time.

"Lia Johnson!" Adelia could hear music thumping in the background and people chattering around when Adam slurred her name. The only conclusion she could come up with was that he was at a party.

"Why are you calling me Adam?" she felt a bit a irritated by his drunken call. Did he need to get shitfaced again before he could speak to her, was she his booty call but then again what soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals.

"So I'm at my mate Roger Smith's house and guess who I run into-" Adelia hears the distinct tone of Adam calling out to someone with the name Felicia and she can feel herself become ashen knowing that nickname all too well, "Say hi to this drunkard who claims to be your brother." and then she was talking to her brother.

"Felix." Adelia curtly says as her intoxicated brother goes on to ramble about how there was a small get together at his friends house but then everyone and their brother decided to show up, before giving back the phone to Adam.

"What's the craic Llama Lia." Adam let's out a very cackling laugh as he talks to Lia. In all honesty he never meant to get this plastered but after Roger challenged him to beerpong it all went downhill from there.

"Is there a reason why you haven't hug up yet?" due to the lack of alcohol in Adelia blood system she did not find Adam's talking as amusing as he deemed it to be. If only I didn't finish that bottle last night, she thought.

"Yes of course love," she can hear him shuffling around and then all the noise in the background dissapeared , "so this little birdy told me a secret.".

"And what did this mysterious little birdy say?" Adelia paused the episode she was watching as now she was completely intrigued by what Adam had to say.

"You see I thought I had you all figured out," Adam's accent thickens as he says the end of the sentence, "but then you show up with that little flask of your's and now I hear you lost your virginity in the sixth grade-"

"I did what!" Adelia bellows over the phone. She tried inhaling and exhaling as much as possible but it only worsened the situation. Memories from the sixth grade revealed them self in a whiplash. Tears prickled in her eyes and she could feel her hands start trembling uncontrollably. How could Stacey do this to her and still sleep at night. It had to have been Stacey because Will would've never uttered a word to anyone. Hanging up the call she rushed her way up the stairs. She clutched her chest in an attempt to regain her breath but it didn't help, she needed her inhaler. Falling on the floor in front of her bedside table she ripped the whole first compartment out and rummaged around the mess until she found her white inhaler. She felt like she was in one of her nightmares, suffocating.  She used her inhaler twice but it was too late. Her vision was all ready clouded and before she knew it everything went black.


It was lunch at Camp Coyote and all of the sixth grader scout girl were seated by different benches eating their hotdogs. Lia was busy talking with her 'bestie' Rose when Mr. Tribiany came up and talked to her.

"Little Lia do you mind coming with me?" Jacob Tribiany crouched down to the level of  the young girl scout.

"Why Sir, what's wrong?" Adelia had a perplexed look on her face as she questioned the camp's youngest and cutest counsellor. She, Rose and pretty much the rest of the girls thought that Mr. Tribiany was a real catch especially with his wavy black hair and dust green eyes, he couldn't have been older than twenty.

"If you finally want that wilderness patch I suggest you come with me, I saw a rather tame squirrel there behind the bunkers."  Jacob Tribiany said his voice laced with excitement. Without thinking twice Adelia jumped up from her seat and urged Mr. Tribiany to show her where the squirrel was. Placing his hand at the base of her back the both of them walked until they were behind the bunkers.

"Aren't these the counsellor's cabins." Lia asked perplexed. They were standing in the infront of a cabin with at least five other cabins to the side of it.

"Yes it is smart girl," Jacob retrieved a key from his pocket before opening the door that led to his single beded cabin, "the squirrel is in here and very tame." . Adelia was very excited.  When she caught the squirrel she would immediately go and show it to Miss Grace. All around the camp there were tame animals and almost all the girls have caught one except her, but now she no longer will be secluded from that patch.

Going on her knees she crawled around and softly called, "Here squirrel, squirrel, squirrel."not even realizing how much her skirt has ridden up. As she's about to look under the bed a hard foot stomps on her back crushing her frail body to the floor. Crying out in pain she attempts to turn around but it's no use for Mr Tribiany forcefully hold her head to the ground with one hand while using his other a hand to lift up her skirt.

"What... what are you.. what are you doing Mr. Tribiany!" Adelia cries out as she feels the cold hair nipping on her knickers claded bottom before that too was stripped from her. She screams out in fear and agony. Flipping her over he clams her mouth shut with one free hand.

"I'm showing you just how tame the squirrel can be," now using both his hands he pins both her shoulders to the wooden floor making it impossible for her to even move and inch, " keep quite you little slut before I shut you up myself." . Positioning himself between her legs he ignores her inccesent whimpers and cries for help, no one would be able to hear her anyway. All of them were on the other side of the camp.
A blood curling scream evaporates through Adelia's body as it feels like someone's is ripping her apart from under. She thrashes in an attempt to get the large man off of her, but that only worsened the situation and pain. Her body is rigged and trembling as Jacob Tribiany continues his inccesent torture above her. Her body numb from the pain makes her weak and as her head limply falls to the side facing the door, there Stacey Morrison is standing staring at what's going on. Adelia's eyes cry for help but Stacey simply stays rooted in her spot for another split second before retrieving back outside, closing the door softly on her way.

That day Adelia thought Stacey would go and call for help but she was so wrong. A young, naive Stacey Morrison kept her mouth shut, not truly understanding what happened in that moment. Later Adelia woke up on her bunker bed, not even a speck of evidence visible of what happened earlier. She thought it was only a sinister dream but by the way Stacey later atrociously stared at her she knew her nightmare was in fact the reality.

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