VIII- Enchanted irished coffee

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To say the past week had been weird was completely an understatement according to Adelia. Friday arrived as if it was a paved road towards normality. Not an ounce of outrage nor even a hissy fit was thrown towards Lia from Stacey. The ­entire week not once did the barbie doll even try and talk to Lia, not that she was complaining she felt whole again spending every lunch break with Will. It took her back to her elementry days, when everything was so much simpler.

Tuesday morning when Lia made her way to the cliche group of girls as per usual she found it completely strange that when Stacey's eyes set forth on her, she and her entire group of minions simply turned around and walked the opposite direction of Adelia. So the rest of the day continued and later the rest of the week. If it wasn't for the occasional death glares in gym class or physics Lia would have had the right mind to think that to Stacey she no longer existed. Yet the lingering thought at the back of her mind did not seize to exist, time is a virtue that prolongs the truth the longer it sets forth. She knew that the longer this silent treatment went on the longer she'll have to wait to find out what the walking version of Regina George's motives truly are and why she's trying to envorce a bit of normailty back in Lia's life.

The final bel ending the end of the week went off about fifteen minutes ago and just like more than half of the population of the school Lia and Will were talking about their plans for the weekend.

"So are we going to hit The Palace the weekend or not? " Will asked his best friend as she stood adjacent from his locker, "heard some sick dj is playing at the club on Saturday."

"As much as I truly would love to, I can't. My aunt Mary-Ann and two cousins are moving in on Saturday." Adelia sighed at the offer Will made. The palace was always pumping on a Saturday especially when there was a guest dj, normally she would never miss it.

"What, why aren't they like filthy rich?"  Will asked as he looked at her. His nose scrunched up as he realised he's not really that much taller than Lia. Sure he was shorter than most of the guys his age but his attitude made up for it, yet sometimes it still bothered him a bit.

"Yeah, but Mary- Ann and my uncle just had the divorce finalised so she decided to flee from under his roof as soon as possible, plus there was a job transfer available at her firm over here so decided to take it." the duo made their way outside the school and Will walked her to her car.

"So I'm guessing your cousins will be attending Bellardene High?"

"Probably but keep your paws off of Hayden, I don't want his innocence contaminated by your new wicked William ways." Adelia chukled as she said this to her flirtious best friend.

"You know I'm a sucker for that curls of his besideds he's a junior now." With another warning Adelia left William with another warning to stay away from her baby cousin who's only in a year below her.
"And besides," Will whispered to himself as Lia drove off to attend her study date with Adam, "he's straight."

First deciding to make a stop at Alaska's before heading towards Adams house Adelia thought it would be a kind gesture to grab both Adam and her a coffee for the irratation of an assignment that they are to work on. Adelia never went further than question three of twelve before her brain nearly exploded out of her head.

Arriving at a simple one story house Lia turned off the gps in her car. Gathering her bag she slung it over one shoulder but just as she's about to take both the medium container cups filled with coffee she had an idea quickly retrieving the silver flask from her bag. It would only be reasonable for her to make her coffee a tad bit irish if she would survive the entire evening with Adam alone. Careful not to pour to  much into her cup she put the lid back on set forth on her journey towards the front door.

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