X- Poppin' pills and favours

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Chapter X- Poppin' pills and favours

20 May 2015
Dear diary

The weekend past in a blur of events. I enjoyed catching up with my cousins and I was glad to see Hayden's anxiety isn't that bad anymore, but I could probably be wrong. We're his family a comfortable environment it would probably be entirely different once we get to school, but he seem's to be holding up pretty well.

Me on the other hand I've barely closed an eye these past two days. These incessant nightmares are taking over my life and I've been trying everything in my willpower to figure who this 'Zander' is, but it's no use. Google, bing , Facebook, Instagram theres not one result of the Zander in my dreams. I don't want to close my eyes for even a second too long because I'm too scared of falling asleep. To say caffine was my bestfriend these past couple of days is probably an understatement especially with my little investigation, but I think I have a solution to my little don't-sleep problem.

Lia x

Lia closed her journal and with a tired sigh placed it back in its safe place. She gathered the last of her books and placed them back in her bag. Before leaving her room she did a quick once over in the mirror. Her eyes seemed especially blue today. The turqois in her shirt must have made it even brighter and lighter. A saphire blue almost. On her way downstairs she passes Haydens room wih the door slightly ajar. She decided to stop and ask him if he's ready to go but her the words soon fell out of her mouth. There Hayden was standing shirtless infront of the mirror of the guestroom, hiperventalating.

"H, are you okay?" Adelia took a step into the room concerened about her cousins well being.

"I- I can't decide what shirt to wear." his words are rushed out and it left him breathless. Little things like these happened over time. Hayden would panic about the slightest issue scared of what would result in it. Even if it was only because he chose the wrong color shirt for the day, scared someone would insult him about it.

"Well personally I would suggest you go with the white v-neck," she took a step closer to his bedside drawer and closed the cap in on the small orange pill dispenser, "as seeing the black on black thing isn't going to work."

"Yeah, you're right."

"Here don't forget this." she handed Hayden his medication. The last thing he needs is a panic attack in the middle of the cafeteria when he doesn't have his meds on him.

"Thanks, let's get going." acting like nothing previously happened Hayden stuffed the small container in his bag and made his way out of his room and down the stairs. Both quickly grabbed an apple for the road and bid their farewells but not before Mary-Ann double checked with her son if he was allright with going to the new school. She gave him the proposition of homeschooling but he simply declined. Telling her the fresh start would be best for him to start and overcome some of his fears.


"And finally this is the cafeteria and I talked to the lady at the office so she switched you schedule around so now you'll be able to have lunch with Will and I." Lia continued her journey of showing Hayden around the school. They arrived at school little earlier than usual so she could show him the ropes around how to survive his first day but she doubted if she would even be able to. They both arrived at Lia's locker only to see Will all ready waiting for them.

"Hayden I hope you don't intend on stealing my best friend away from me?" Will's smirk at the younger boy gave away his lack of seriousness.

"Only if you'll let me." Hayden surprised Will with his comment. Will clearly not used to the wit portraid from Lia's cousin. Will too knew about Hayden's anxiety, and thought it was good to see him so improved. It took two seperate holidays before Hayden could even hold a proper conversastion with Will. Since it took two years before they saw each other again Will for sure thought all their progress would have been dumped in the drain, but clearly not, especially because of what happened the last time they saw each other.

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