II- Party hard, make mistakes

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Monday morning arrives sooner than Adelia would have liked. She had to cut midnight oil last night with the Physics assignment she had left to the last minute. She parks her car not too far from the school and strolls until she reaches her locker. There she sees her best friend, William, patiently waiting for her. She noticed his eyes were a special shade of blue today, the colour of the ocean, but with a clear green tint to it. It matches his bright personality. And the fact that he is the gayest person she knows.

"Good morning dollface, rest well?" He warmly greets her. Adelia gives him a nod, opens her locker and starts to pack her first three period's textbooks into her bookbag.

"Yeah and thanks for Friday. I really enjoyed it." She closes her locker and gives her best friend a tight hug.

"Now Lia,  there's no time for lies this bland Monday morning. You and I both know you wanted to attend Chris's party more than anything." Lia gave a small laugh and shakes her head.

"I'm not even going to try and deny it. When have I ever missed an opportunity to get shitfaced drunk?" she replies, slinging her bag over her shoulder, "You should consider yourself lucky, I could have gotten absolutely wasted but instead I decided to spend my eighteenth birthday with a handful of people drinking sparkling- and may I add, non-alcoholic- champagne. Living the life!" William laughs at Lia's sarcasm, but what Adelia did not notice was the look of concern clear on her best friend's face as she turned away.

"I'm going to go, I've got to meet up with Stacey, talk later." He waved her off as she glided through the halls. A frown is formed on his face at the mention of Stacey. He's never understood the cruel and heartless girl and why she keeps Lia from him, but then again, just as almost half of the population of the school, William had a secret and somehow Stacey has found out about it. She's very manipulative, he thought.


"So I told her: 'Honey I may not be a priest but I sure as hell know you need Jesus.' I've never seen a freshman gather her clothes that fast, trust me." A few senior girls is gathered around whilst Stacey retold the story of how she caught a freshman going down on her brother in their kitchen. Stacey loves the fact that everyone's attention was on her, she felt important. Lia looked up from all the giggling girls and saw Adam O'Conner, running back for the football team, record breaking 100m athlete and foreign exchange student striding down the hall. She frowns softly. Adam's been attending Bellardene High for more than two years, yet still he is considered the 'foreign exchange student'. Stacey's eyes drift to Adelias', who's eyes were glued to the floor as Adam passes by. A smirk crosses Stacey's face and a mischievous thought goes through her mind.

"Oh, Adam!" Stacey pushes her way past the little throng of people around her and struts over to Adam. He stops in his tracks and turns around at the sound of his name being called.

"Yes?" he brushes his fair, blond hair out of his eyes and Stacey can't help but appreciate how handsome he truly is. It was too bad she was only regularly using him.

"Don't forget about Friday." Fully aware of the fact that most of the eyes in the hall were glued on them, Stacey leans over and leaves a kiss on his right cheek.

Anger boils within Lia. Her hands clench at her sides. She hates this. She knows Stacey is doing this on purpose. Lia has liked the blue-eyed, Irish boy since he arrived, but apparently he likes Stacey more.


Friday arrives sooner than Lia would have liked. She decides on wearing a white, tight fitted top with a black high waisted skirt that flowed down to her mid-thigh. She accessorized it with a pair of black heels, a leather bagpack and took extra time to curl her hair. She smiles at herself in the mirror before taking a last sip from her silver flask and placing it in her bagpack.

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