I gaze out the window, my thoughts, and feelings all over the place. We were currently on the way to my house to grab my things. By we I mean, Diavolo and I followed by one of his security cars.

I was still in a daze from the kiss earlier and it also made me wonder if I had forgiven him too quick. Not wonder, I know I did forgive him too quickly and I shouldn't have but when he said that stuff something in my heart clicked and suddenly I was okay with him.

"What are you thinking so hard about, piccola?" Diavolo asked, making me snap out of my thoughts and look at him from the passenger seat.

He was already looking at me and when our eyes met it was like everything disappeared. All I wanted to do was jump and kiss him but that would probably land us in the hospital so I restrained myself.

When did I get so..sexually frustrated?

"Nothing. Just how much of a mess my life is." I said, chuckling then looking out the window once again.

"I am sorry." He said sounding guilty and I turned to face him once again.

"It isn't your fault. It's just my fate." I said with a small smile to let him know I am okay and he returned it with one of his own.


"Stay here. I'll be a minute." I said to Diavolo to which he hesitantly nodded. I stepped out the car, walking towards the house I have so missed these few days.

Knocking lightly on the door, I waited for a moment hearing ruffling of things inside before it opened and my mother's swollen tired face came in sight.

She looked at me for a moment before gasping,

"Oh my God. Is it really you Brook? Am I dreaming?" She said in a hoarse voice, tears spilling out of her eyes and I immediately took her into a hug.

"I missed you mom," I said, tears of my own falling on her shoulders.

I could feel the sobs raking through her body and I took us inside, shutting the door with one hand while my other was still on her back.

After a long much-needed hug, I pulled away and looked at my mother. Her face had lost all color, and her eyes were dull with sadness though there was still warmth in them.

"What have you done with yourself, mom?" I whispered knowing I was the reason she was like this.

"I, just, I couldn't do anything after you disappeared. It was like losing your father and brother all over again."

"Mom. I am so sorry for everything I have put you through." I said genuinely feeling guilty.

"It's okay honey. All that matters is your back now." She said, lightly cupping my cheeks.

"About that," I begin and she looks at me curiously. "Mom I have to go. All I can say is I am in big trouble and I have someone helping me. I will be back, I promise. But this is going to take a few more weeks, or months even." I said and started to walk upstairs to grab my things, not having the strength to watch her become sad. Her face fell and I immediately felt guilty all over again.

"Trouble? What kind of trouble? What's wrong Brooklyn?" I heard mom's voice and her footsteps following me.

"I will tell you everything when I am back. For now, I want you to know I am okay and I will be somewhere safe. You just have to promise me to take of yourself and Sebastian." I said, entering my room and starting to take out a bag from under my bed.

"Brooklyn but I---"

"Mom. Promise me you will. Please." I turned to face her and looked into her eyes. She nodded, sniffing.

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