"General?" Papa gives me a confused look, and I bashfully shrug.

"I got up early," I tell him like it's just a casual thing. Papa gives me a quizitive look, but says nothing of it.

As we sit, I begin to speak. "I was wondering if I could invite a few friends over for dinner tonight? Three people."

"Who?" Papa says in between bites.

"Um... well. You see..." nervousness envelops me like a cold and cruel blanket. "The Hamilton's."

"They are your friends!?" He chokes on his food.

"No, No! I," this is hard. "I, okay." Let's restart. "As I came out this morning, I ran into Philip Hamilton at the bakery-"

"Philip!? You know I told you not to talk to that boy. He's nothing but trouble, has been since the day he was born!" Papa cries. "He's exactly like his father, and I do not want you to go through what Elizabeth goes through!"

"How do you know?" I retort, curious and furious.

"Your mother loved Mrs Hamilton, talked all the time. From what I know, the man ignores his wife more than Paris tried to kill Achilles!"

"Father! Just listen to me, Philip has done nothing wrong! We discussed your feud, and Ace- Philip mentioned you and Alexander were once friends!" I protest, glaring at my father's shocked face. How could he hide that from me? "After talking some more, we both agreed your relationship should be rekindled to help your careers!"

Of course, that's a lie. But it seemed good enough for my father to believe, and something Philip should be able to play along with until... it's revealed.

"How could I ever rekindle a relationship with that man? Why would I?" My father shouts.

"He, I," I lie pops into my head. "He offered to teach me!"


"He goes to Kings College, Papa. Philip offered to teach me what he learns after class, you know I'm desperate to learn." Giving him puppy eyes, my father gives a relinquished sigh.

"One night, my darling. Only for your educational purposes." Papa growls, he pecks my head and heads out. Relief washes over me like a flood, and I take the opportunity to hold my head in my hands. Why am I doing this again?

For you education. For your job! Remember, nothing going to even happen between you two! My brain tries to remind me. He just needs a wife for a few years then he should be set!

Shrugging at my own thinking, I gather the dishes and proceed to take my time washing them. As I finish, I remember I need to inform Philip of the situation. I slip my shoes on and go into the streets, promptly running into Will Mulligan.

"Theodosia, it's been a while. How have you been?" He says politely, smiling widely.

"I'm good, thank you. I really need to talk to Philip. Is he at home?"

Will gives a surprised look. "You found out his name?"

"Yeah," I shift on either foot. "We're in a predictiment."

"You agreed to be his wife? I didn't think you would." Will shrugs. "People change. I'm actually heading over there, but it's probably best if you didn't go."

"Wait, you knew?" I stare utterly shocked, my mouth staying open for so long I'm practically drooling.

Will chuckles, nodding sheepishly. "Of course, we've known for almost a year now. He's tried on many girls but none have worked for the poor boy. When he met you, he instantly starting talking about how 'you're the one'. Anastasie told him the only way he's marrying you is of you get along with is. And you did so..."

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