“Daddy, why we leaving?”

            “Uncle Liam is … busy at the moment,” Zayn said.

            “Why? What’s he doing?”

Zayn sighed, “I’m gonna kill you Payne. Someday you’ll understand but for now just don’t worry about it.”

            “Not my fault. How’d you even get a key?”

            “Louis, anyway see you in an hour.”

We heard the door close and I pulled the blanket off of my face.

            “Oh my GOD!” I shouted and Liam laughed. I whacked him with a pillow. “This is not funny! Oh my God!”

            “Come on, it’s a little funny,” Liam prodded and I gave him a look.

            “A little girl just walked in on us naked and not to mention one of your best friends. This is in no way funny.”

            “It’s fine, she doesn’t understand. Let’s start getting ready. Join me in the shower?”

            “Race you there,” I said getting up and running to the bathroom.


Liam and I walked hand in hand down the pier and to the dining hall. Our hands swung in between us like they were swings and Liam would twirl me around unexpectedly.

            “What’s this?” Liam asked grabbing my wrist. I squirmed to get it away from him but Liam’s hands had a good grip on it. “‘Disappointment’,” Liam read and I sighed. “What is this? Is that your tattoo?”

            “It’s nothing,” I murmured whilst on the inside I cursed myself. I must’ve lost the band that I usually covered it with sometime last night.

            “That’s not nothing,” Liam insisted. He rubbed his thumb over it and when it didn’t smudge he looked appalled. “Why would you get a tattoo like that?”

            “Just leave it, Liam.”

            “‘Disappointment’. Why would you get that tattooed on your wrist? That’s just the stupidest thing especially since you are far from a disappointment. I mean look at all you’ve accomplished!”

            “Just leave it,” I repeated.

            “Just tell me why.”

I looked at Liam’s pleading, brown eyes and sighed.

            “My dad,” I blurted, “My dad was a tattoo artist and one day I pissed him off, I forgot to get his clothes off of the line and it started to rain anyways, he tattooed it on me to remind me.”

            “Remind you? Remind you of what?” Liam said with a hint of steel. He sounded like he was trying to keep his anger under wraps.

            “That to my parents I’d always be a disappointment,” I said looking at the ground.

            “Why haven’t you gotten it removed?”

I shrugged and grabbed the wrist with the tattoo. The word was written carelessly and messily in blank ink. I had kept squirming when my dad was doing it. ‘Stay still, you little shit’, was what my dad had said when I said it hurt. I rubbed my thumb over the word; “It’s a part of me now. I’d feel weird without it and it’s a link to my past and though it’s horrible, this made me who I am today and I just can’t imagine not having it.”

Delinquent Daisy (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now