Cobra x Dying! Reader | A Price

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"Of course. Only if you promise to stay alive"

[Name]'s eyes looked ahead sadly as she held Erik's hand like she normally would.

She would never be able to keep her promise. There was zero chance of that happening.

She blocked the voice that called out to her, saying that it'll give her even more time to stay alive if she agreed to help it take over the world.

It would take far more than that to make her want to succumb to darkness.

She paid a great price. And unknowingly, so did those who she would eventually disappear on.

She could never make it up to them and nor could she prepare them for what was to come.

"If I ever die, then promise that you'll move on?"

"The hell are you talking about?" Erik asked, bewildered that she would even ask that of him.


Her voice sounded so desperate. It made the words that he was about to say leave his mouth as he looked at her in shock.

"Sure" the words left his mouth before he could comprehend it.

He just didn't want to see the sad look on her face. He never wanted to see her upset or unhappy. He would do whatever it takes to make her happy, just like she always was.

Whatever the price may be.

"That's a promise that" [Name] said, her voice relieved. She leaned up to kiss him under the stars a final time.

Her time was short. Her light was flickering.

The time has almost come for the price to be paid.


Over the course of the next week, it was clear that [Name] wasn't well. The whole guild could tell.

None of them could figure out what had happened and why only [Name] was affected.

During that time, Erik was thereby [Name]'s side, offering assistance when needed.

Though half of the time, she was wavering in and out of consciousness. She was barely responsive.

Her condition worded by the minute. It was as though she was on her deathbed.

Which she technically was.

[Name] felt horrible for not telling her guild everything in person.

She just didn't want to see their expressions when she told them. She was too afraid to.

She hated to see other people around her unhappy. She hated to see others being sad, which is why she took it upon herself to make sure that everyone could smile.

She wanted the world to be a happy and safe place for everyone.

But that's impossible.

What is the price that will have to be paid in order to achieve that perfect world?

What sacrifices will people have to make? Would it be worth it?

In the end, it's all just a cycle. It's all just an idea.

People have given up on that perfect ideal world where sadness doesn't exist.

They're more focused on things that can really happen to improve life. Things that are more realistic.

If only that world were possible...

That was what [Name] thought every day. That was what [Name] fought for.

She fought for a world similar to that. A world where children wouldn't have to have a childhood like hers.

In the dead of night once again, [Name] woke up, knowing that it was time.

She forced herself to stand up and pass Erik, leaving behind a lacrima that told the truth. She had decided that her guild deserved to know.

They were strong. They could move on.

That's what she convinced herself.

[Name] walked to the edge of the cliff, feeling the wind blow past her hair.

It was calm. It was a beautiful night once again.

"Are you ready to pay your end of the deal?"

"Of course I am. But I hope that you haven't forgotten the one demand that I get"

"What is it that you wish for? Salvation is no longer a choice now"

"I don't plan on backing out. And you swear that you will abide by the words I speak?"

"That was a part of the deal. Should I refuse to grant this wish then I will disappear along with you"

"Then I, [Name] [Surname], wish that you are banished from Earthland. Place a seal upon yourself so that not even the most powerful being on Earthland can release you back here"

"Are you sure you want that to be your final wish? You don't want to wish for me to be gentler when playing around with your soul?"

"Are you backing down?"

"Not at all... you foolish girl. You truly believe that sealing me away will do any good to the world? Have you any idea what lies out there?"

"I have faith that my comrades will protect Earthland. No matter the price, just as I had done"

"Then embrace your death... I will enjoy torturing you for all eternity"

[Name] closed her eyes and stepped forward.

What a price to pay in order to save her loved ones.

"[Name]! What are you thinking?!" Erik yelled, trying to stop [Name] from taking another step forward.

Another step that will lead to her demise.

He ran towards her but was pushed back by a greater force than himself.

"[Name]!" He desperately cried out.

"Forgive me, Erik... I realise that it's selfish of me to say this now, but I love you. Please, always remember that"

With a final smile to him, she disappeared from the top of the cliff, plunging into the never-ending darkness below.

Never to be seen ever again.

Erik still couldn't move because of the force. He had heard a part of their conversation, but he didn't understand the whole thing.

Just why. Just why did she have to die?

For the first time in a long while, tears streamed down his cheeks as he could only think of what his life would be like without her.

"[Name]..." his trembling voice whispered into the air, unable to yell out anymore to his lover.

It all ended with a death. A single death that saved the entire world from a devil.

"Take my body, take my soul. I don't care what the price may be, as long as I can protect the ones I love."

~~~ End ~~~

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