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Tessas POV

I wake up the next morning naked in bed with Ivan. I get up and get changed trying not to wake him. I go to Matthews room and change him then bring him downstairs and feed him and myself. Ivan comes behind me and hugs me and I then start my vlog.
Start of vlog:
"Hey Brooksters. It's your girl Tessa. I have some news to share with you guys. So basically I'm starting work again so I don't know if Ill do vlogs during the day!(this isn't true btw)any ways I'm starting tomorrow and Ivan doesn't know so let's go tell him."
I go over to Ivan and sit next to him.
"T. Hey Ivan
I. Hi.
T. I'm starting work tomorrow.
I. Haha it's a prank.
T. No I'm being serious.
I. Seriously.
T. Yeah
I. That's cool. But you won't be here in the day time.
T. No"
End of vlog 5mins later.
I. Were you being serious
T. Yeah
I. Why you going to work.
Tr. hey guys who's going to work?
I jump.
T. You scared me. I'm starting work tomorrow.
I hug Tristian and he kisses my forehead.
I. I don't think you should 💭!
T. We need a tiny bit more money coming in 💰.
I. True
M. Mummyyy
Matthew suddenly starts crying so I run to the garden with Ivan and Tristian following. Matthew had fallen of the trampoline.
T. Oh my god Matthew.
I pick Matthew up and hug him. I bring him inside.
T. Where the hell is Anthony, he was just out there.
I. Let me get a cold cloth
Tr. what do you want me to do.
T. Can you get his dummy and a blanket please.
Tristian runs downstairs and comes back down with the stuff I asked for. I give Matthew his dummy and I cover him with his blanket. Ivan comes over with a cold cloth and I wipe the cut on the back of his head.
A. What happened
Tr. Matthew fell of the trampoline
A. I was only gone for a few seconds I swear Tessa.
I. Dude just go away quick.
Tristian goes home so Ivan just comes and sits next to me. Anthony comes back over.
A. Bro-
I. Not now.
A. I'm sorry
T. Just...give us a moment.
Anthony goes and everyone in the house comes over to see what's wrong.
E. What happened
J. Is he ok?
A. How did it happen
E.. do you want me to do anything?
I. He fell off the trampoline and cut the back of his head. And no thanks Emilio. I take Matthew upstairs and put him to bed and I go to bed aswell.

Ivan's POV

I go downstairs after saying goodnight to Matthew and Tessa. I see Anthony on the sofa so I go over to him. (I just realised that Alissa and Anthony are both A. So I'm changing Anthony's to An.)
I. Hey bro
An. Hi I'm sorry about earlier.
I. Don't worry about it. Me and Tessa are sorry too we were just worried.
An. So how comes your up.
I. I'm not tired at all. What about you. Why are you up still?
An. Same not tired.
As soon as Anthony said that Matthew started to cry. I go upstairs saying to Anthony "I guess Matt isn't either 😂 "
I get Matthew and he stops crying so I bring him to my bed with Tessa and he sleeps with us 💤 👶🏼.
*next morning*
It's Valentine's Day so I get up and get the roses, chocolates and card I got for Tessa and put them in her dance bag in the car then go out. I get in my car and drive to Logan's house(let's just say he's single now).

Tessas POV

I wake up with Matthew next to me so I get changed into my dance kit and get Matthew changed into some casual clothes and bring him to dance with me. I strap him in and get myself strapped in. I wonder where Ivan is.
*At dance*
I get Matthews pushchair out and my kit and put it under the pram. I get into my dance class and get Matthew out he plays with Alissa who's dressed already. I get my kit and get changed but find roses, chocolates and a card from Ivan I start to smile and I open the card.
*inside card*
"To Tessa,
I love you so much. I cant believe I found s beautiful girl like you! We've had our ups and downs but we fought past that and that's why we are so right for each other. Happy valentines baby!❤️🌹
Love Ivan xxxxx"
I put the card away and go to my dance area.

Ivan's POV

I hope Tessa likes everything I got her!

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