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Tessas POV

M. Happy birthday daddy
I. Thanks dude
T. Happy birthday 🎉
I. Thanks baby.
Ivan walks off and nick goes up to them and I can hear their conversation.
N. Are you gonna tell Tessa
I. No I can't
N. I'll tell her man you can't hid it
I. Yo it's my birthday and I don't want to upset Tessa 😭
N. Fine happy birthday bye. 👋
I. see ya
T. Tell me what
I. Nothing it's not important.
T. Oh ok.
Erika was on her iPad so I went over and she looked worried. 😳
T. What's up
E. Nothing
She said quickly Turning her iPad off.
T. Who was that?
E. No one it's nothing don't worry.
T. Please tell me rik otherwise I will worry.
E. Ummm fine ok. 👌🏻
Erika showed me the footage of Ivan and some girl having sex.
T. What the fu-
I. What's that
E. Nothing.
T. Nothin'
I. Are you ok tess😂
T. Yes
E. Can I talk to you quick tess...upstairs
T. Ok
We go upstairs and sit on the bed.
E. What do we do
T. I don't know he doesn't know we know.
E. Yeah
E. I'll be back soon.
Erika goes and I lock myself in the bathroom.
I get a blade and cut. I don't care now. How could he do this to me. To us. Especially to Matthew. I cut more until the cuts are all the way up my arm. I hear Ivan come into the bedroom and try to get into the bathroom.
T. I'm just on the toilet.
I. Ok
I flush the toilet to pretend I went and rush out with the blade. I go straight to the bin but Erika is there. I slide past her and throw the blade in the bin. Shit. She saw. She pulls me to the office.
E. What the fuck was that Tessa.
T. N-nothing
E. Are you fucking cutting again.
T. Don't get mad E
E. I'm angry not mad 😤 you promised everyone you would stop and now you started because of Ivan.
T. I'm sorry! 😤
E. Let me see them.
T. No
E. Tess lemme see
T. No!
T. NO!!
Jake comes barging in locking the door behind him.
J. What's happened.
T. Nothing.
E. She's cut again
J. Let me see Tessa
T. No please
E. Please tess
T. Fine
I show them my cuts and they gasp. Then the front door knocks 🚪.
T. I'll get it
I open the door to reveal chance standing there looking mad. I try to close the door but he swings it open and walks towards me. He slaps me across the face and then pulls a knife out and stabs my side 🔪. I gasp and stumble backwards clutching the cut pulling the knife out. Jake comes over and pushes chance out then comes quickly back to me.
T. no
I say in through my tears.
J. What?
T. Just take me to the hospital. Don't tell no one. I don't want them worrying.
J. Wha... ok fine let's go.
Jake picks me up and Erika comes with us. We get to the hospital and I get stitched up. Erika goes and Jake stays with me. They put a massive plaster over the cut and then we go.
T. Thank you for coming.
J. It's ok.
I kiss him on the cheek but he was obviously thinking of doing the same thing and we accidentally kissed.
J&T. sorry!
We get home and Ivan comes up to me.
I. Where did you go?
T. Out for a walk quick
J. Yeah
I. Oh ok
He hugs me and i flinch because of my side.
I go upstairs and lock my bedroom door and cry. How can Ivan think everything is ok. He fucked another girl and then payed her. Then I get stabbed and he doesn't even notice my bloody top. What a great boyfriend he is.
I cry and cry and cry until someone knocks on my door. I unlock my door and Emilio is standing there so I let him in.
E.. are you ok why is your top bloody. What happened.
T. I just got stabbed by chance.
E.. does ivan know.
T. No and don't tell him it's his birthday I don't want him upset.
E.. oh ok. Imma go bye
T. Bye

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