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( ZION CITY, NEVADA, FRIDAY, November 28 2021, 02:00 PM ).

The are a series of booms and a tremors that rocks through a cluster of run down buildings. it source being the hero Crimson Defender, clashing blows with a grey hulking behemoth, almost 3 times his size.

They both collide fists again, causing a thundering shock wave that sends both parties backwards, erupting a large cloud of dust and debris.

Crimson Defender crashed into the base floor of a broken building while the other figure skids to a stop at the edge of the destroyed road.

A streak of gold zipped over to the crash site, stopping before a pile of rubble.

It was a skinny male, who was dressed in a dull golden super suit with black lightening patterns all around it. He also had on dark elbow and knee pads, his head gear exposed his light brown eyes, fair skinned pointed jaw and a black mop of hair.

" Holy S#it Mikey ! Are ya okay?! ", He frantically dug through the rubble, only for the other male to rise out on his own.

" ah... My head feels like it's spinning ", Crimson defender dusts the debris off of his now torn up red costume, he held a hand on his aching forehead , " oh hello Sonic Boomer ", he said to the other male, as his vision adjusts.

" Mikey dude, I ran here as fast I could after I saw ya eat it ", Sonic Boomer said in a young male voice, his voice in a rush.

" we talked about this Boomer, we have to use our Super names ", Mike cuts him off in a kind way, knowing his friend always ignored doing it anyways.

" pfft, your hero name's too long...most I can do dude is CD ", The speedster grinned enough to show his buck tooth, " so everything good...our body building friend didn't break anything on you did he? ", he ran around the Red clad hero to examine him.

" nothing major... I just lost my footing  that's all ", The Alexander reassures his friend and just stretched out his left arm from the shoulder, causing a small crack, " speaking of breaking things...where's Sarah? ".

" I'm right here you dinguses... ", a peeved feminine voice answered, both males look up to see a female in a black and purple suit floating above.

" Geoforce, glad you're okay ", Crimson Defender said upon her landing before him

" I almost wasn't, after too fast too useless here suddenly left me in to 2 v 1 ", She growled and shook dust out of her flowing brown, glaring at Sonic Boomer behind her translucent goggles.

" I...I'm actually to tired to come up with an excuse ", Boomer shrugged nonchalantly, earning a loud groan from his female teeamate.

The is another explosion in the distance wreckage, the three young heroes snap to it.

Seeing the grey musclar giant from before, returning now with 2 other smaller figures at his side.

" crap... ", Geoforce mutters and visibly tenses up, Sonic Boom and Crimson Defender took defensive positions.

" how much time do we have left to guard the civilian? ", Mike whispered to his team.

" about 16 minutes ", Sarah replied in the same tone, squinting at their approaching opponents, " Static and Frost Bite... Seems I should have trapped you both under a heavier bus ".

" It's Freezer Burn asino! ", The female in a full body grey thermal suit yells back in a thick Italian accent.

" calm down Freezer Burn.. It's not over yet...", The male in the torn yellow and blue spandex grumbled then turned to his foes with a plastic smile, " Geostorm, my dear...our conversation was abruptly cut short by that random city bus...Bulk let's repay the lady ", Static snapped his exposed light brown fingers.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 05, 2018 ⏰

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